Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/1036

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. and animal origin of primary necessity, which programs may include, without being limited to, the following items: (a) technical assistance in the fields of production, processing, storage and distribution of food products of animal and vegetable origin. (b) the study of the economic problems of production, process- ing, and distribution of foodstuffs, and the preparation of reports and studies destined to provide information essential to planning adjustments in the production of crops to domestic consumption requirements. (c) the development of new acreage, including agricultural colonization, and of plans for soil conservation; soil sur- veys and the rehabilitation of existing irrigation facilities; aid in new irrigation facilities and drainage. (d) the supply of means, tools, equipment, insecticides, seeds, livestock, and other materials, and of professional and technical services to agriculturists. (e) the development of a country wide agricultural extension service to improve production of food and to promote the agricultural industry generally. (f) technical studies and related work in the fields of nutrition, diet, and home economics, and to promote improved nutritional and general home economics practices through an organized extension service. (g) special assistance to inadequately financed operators of small farms, including the providing of equipment for hire at minimum prices, the making of "loans in kind" during periods of special emergency, etc. (h) the making available to the Government of Peru and the Government of the United States of America of technical and scientific information and discoveries of interest to agriculturists in either country and the promoting of scientific studies in Peruvian agricultural economy as requested by and in cooperation with either government. Contrbutions. 3. The provisions of Article 4 of the Memorandum of Agreement 57Stat. 1407 . of May 19, 1943 are considered to have been fulfilled by the contri- bution of US $162,976.77 (S/. 1,056,904.35) by the Institute and by the contribution of S/. 1,056,904.35 (US $162,976.77) by the Republic of Peru. The provisions of Article 3 of the extended Memorandum 58 tat.1485. of Agreement, signed June 1, 1944, are considered to have been ful- filled as the result of contributions amounting to US $150,000 (S/. 972,750) by the Institute and S/. 1,945,500 (US $300,000) by the Republic of Peru. The provisions of Article 3 of the extended Ante, p. 324. Memorandum of Agreement, dated June 8, 1945, are considered to have been fulfilled as the result of contributions amounting to US $75,000.00 (S/. 486,375) by the Institute paid by November 1, 1946 and of the amount of S/. 972,750.00 (US $150,000) contributed by the Republic of Peru by November 1, 1946. 3328