Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/438

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61 STAT.] PARAGUAY-RECIPROCAL TRADE-SEPT. 12, 1946 2. Should the exemption from payment of the 50 percent increase in duty be discontinued in the case of any article enumerated and described in List 1 of this note, such article shall thereafter be exempt from ordinary customs duty in excess of that set forth and provided for in Schedule I of the Trade Agreement. 3. Each of the articles enumerated and described in List 2 of this note shall be exempt from customs surtax, so long as the customs surtax on such article provided for by Decree-Law No. 19,360 of August 12, 1943, as amended by Decree No. 914 of October 22, 1943, remains suspended. 2723 Ante, p. 2706. Articles exempt from customs surtax. List 2 Paraguayan Tariff Paragraph Number Description of Article 43 Prunes in general 55 Fruits and berries dried or desiccated, not elsewhere specified, for food Ex-63 Raisins: Seedless 283 Toilet colors, eyebrow and eyelash pencils, lipsticks and rouge, depila- tory preparations, nail polish and color; powdered sheets for the dressing table, and in general all cosmetics not specified, perfumed or not 4. Should the exemption from the payment of customs surtax be discontinued in the case of any article enumerated and described in List 2 of this note, such article may thereafter be subject, notwith- standing the provisions of Article VII of the Trade Agreement, to a customs surtax not in excess of 11 percent ad valorem. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. WiLLARD L. BEAULAC His Excellency Doctor MIGUEL ANGEL SOLER, Minister of Foreign Relations and Wlorship. REPUBLICA DEL IARAGUAY Asunci6n, Septiembre 12 de 1946.- SEROR EMBAJADOR: Tengo cl honor de acusar recibo de la nota de Vuestra Excelencia de esta fecha, relativa a las conversacioncs durante el curso de la negocia- ci6n del Convenio Comercial entre nuestros dos Gobiernos firmado hoy, referente a los derechos y adicionales a ser impuestos, sobre ciertos productos de los Estados Unidos de America incluidos en la Planilla I del Convenio, a su importaci6n en la Repdblica del Paraguay. Tengo el honor de confirmar el entendimiento expresado en la nota de Vuestra Excelencia. Sirvase aceptar, Seiior Embajador, las renovadas seguridades de mi mas alta consideraci6n.- MIGUEL ANGEL SOLER A Su Excelencia el Sefior EmbajadorExtraordinarioy Plenipotenciariode los Estados Unidos de Amrica, Hon. WILLARD L . BEAULAC. Presente.- Discontinuance of exemption. Ante, p. 2696.