Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/866

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t1.I .J MLL. 'l'LI .A'1 'EltIAL--:I;EJIMAN RCEPAlATION--JAN. 14, 1946 35 .lqremint hfitlri n the T'n ited States of America and other governments January 14, 146 rn 'S cIt;1 if t


(l;str/iutionf German reparation,the establishment of an I. A.s 1655] r-ll;,l rtrjirationfagency, and the restitution of monetary gold. (Opftnt ,,r signatture at ParisJanuary 14, 1946; signedfor the United Sftltes of America January 14, 1946; entered into force January 24, II t.; ACCORD CONCERNANT LES REPARATIONS A RECEVOIR DE L'ALLEMAGNE, L'INSTITUTION D'UNE AGENCE INTER- ALLIEE DES REPARATIONS ET LA RESTITUTION DE L'OR MONETAIRE. LES GOUVERNEMENTS DE L'ALBANIE, DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMRRIQUE, DE L'AUSTRA- LIE, DE LA BELGIQUE, DU CANADA, DU DANEMARK, DE L'EGYPTE, DE LA FRANCE, DU ROYAUME-UNI DE GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD, DE LA GRECE, DE L'INDE, DU LUXEMBOURG, DE LA NOR- VEGE, DE LA NOUVELLE- ZELANDE, DES PAYS-BAS, DE LA TCItECOSLOVAQUIE, DE L'UNION DE L'AFRIQUE DU SUD ET DE LA YOUGOSLA- VIE, en vue de rdpartir 6quitable- ment entre eux le total des biens (qi, conforn6linent aux disposi- ti(lis dii pr&dent Accord et aux dis)oIsifions convenuies i Potsdam, le I"e aoft 1945, entre les Gouver- nements des ktats-Unis d'Am6ri- que, di Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, et de 1'Union des R6publiques So- AGREEMENT ON REPARATION FROM GERMANY, ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTER-ALLIED REPARATION AGEN- CY AND ON THE RESTITUTION OF MONETARY GOLD. THE GOVERNMENTS OF ALBANIA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUS- TRALIA, BELGIUM, CANADA, DENMARK, EGYPT, FRANCE, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, GREECE, INDIA, LUXEM- BOURG, NORWAY, NEW-ZEA- LAND, THE NETHERLANDS, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA AND YUGOSLAVIA, in order to obtain an equitable distribution among themselves of the total assets which, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions agreed upon at Potsdam on 1. August 1945 be- tween the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- lics, are or may be declared to be 95347 0 -49--PT . II - -56 3157