Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/374

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GI ST rT.] FRANCE--RECIPROCAL TRADE-OCT. 30, 1947 A Alember of the French Delegation to the Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation M'INSTIRE LIBEPET -EGALITE -FRATERNITE AFFAIRES ETR ANGRES RtPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE PARIS, LE 30 octobre 1947. DELCGATION FRANCAISE A LA COMMISSION PRPPARATOIRE DR LA CONFLRENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI CHER MONSIEUR BROWN, Je m'empresse de vous accuser r6ception de votre lettre du 30 octobre et de vous confirmer que je suis entierement d'accord avec vous pour estimer que le texte de l'Accord Complementaire ne mettrait pas obstacle Ala notification de la denonciation de l'Accord de 1936 au cours de la periode pendant laquelle nos deux Gouvernements seront parties A l'Accord General sur les Tarifs et le Commerce. Sincerement v6tre, ^^L {/^<^^ P. BARADUC Monsieur WINTHROP G. BROWN, President de la Delegation des Etats-Unisd'Am4rique d la Commission Preparatoire de la Conference du Commerce et de l'Emploi, Geneve. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS FRENCH DELEGATION TO THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT LIBERTY-EQUALITY-FRATERNITY FRENCH REPUBLIC D._ - r~1 . T. A, DEAR MR. BROWN: rARIS, ue c toer ,U, 1.47 . I hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of October 30 and to confirm to you that I am in complete agreement with you in considering that the text of the Supplementary Agreement would not prevent notification of the denunciation of the Agreement of 1936 during the period in which our two Governments will be parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Sincerely yours, . Mr. WINTHROP G. BROWN, Presidentof the United States Delegation to the Preparatory Committee of the Conference on Trade and Employment, Geneva. JIERRE JBARADUC P. BARADUC 53 Stat. 2236 . 61 Stat, Pts. and6. 3719