Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/747

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61 STAT.] FRANCE-AIR SERVICE FACILITIES-MAY 8, 17, 1947 4095 Agreement between the United States of America and France amending May 8, 17,1947 the agreement of June 18, 1946, respecting air service facilities in [T. A-. 183] French territory. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Paris Mlay 8 and 17, 1947; entered into force May 17, 1947. The American Ambassador to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 2516 PARIS, May 8, 1947 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to my note No. 1516 of June 18, 1946, and Your Excellency's reply thereto which constitute the Air Service Agreement between our two governments. Ante,p.4088. I am now directed to substitute Dijon, Chateau Thierry, and Le Bourget in lieu of Cape Camerat, Le Havre, and Querqueville (Cher- bourg) due to relocation of the facilities under reference. If the Government of France is agreeable to this substitution, a favorable reply from Your Excellency, together with this letter, will be considered as constituting an amendment to the above-mentioned Air Service Agreement. I take this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. JEFFERSON CAFFERY His Excellency GEORGES BIDAULT, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paris. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador CL/JP MINISTERE LIBERTE . .GALITE . FRATERNITI DES AFFAIRES STRANGORES RBPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE DIRECTION DES ACCORDS TECHNIQUES PARIS, Le MONSIEUR L'AMBASSADEUR, Par une lettre N0 2.516 en date du 8 de ce mois, Votre Excellence a bien voulu attirer mon attention sur l'interet qui s'attachait A sub- stituer les localites de Dijon, Chateau-Thierry et Le Bourget A celles de Cap Camerat, Le Havre et Querqueville-(Cherbourg) figurant dans notre echange de lettres en date du 18 juin 1946, les installations d'aide a la navigation aerienne primitivement situees dans ces dernieres ayant ete par la suite transferes dans les premieres.