Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/82

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. such specialized agency on official conform6ment a Particle 71 de la business. The appropriate Amer- Charte; ou 5) d'autres personnes ican authorities shall afford any invit6es a venir dans le district necessary protection to such per- administratif par l'Organisation sons while in transit to or from the des Nations Unies ou par l'une des headquarters district. This section institutions specialisees, pour af- does not apply to general inter- faires officielles. Les autorites ruptions of transportation which am4ricaines competentes accor- are to be dealt with as provided in deront la protection n4cessaire aux Post,p. 3429. Section 17, and does not impair personnes ci-dessus enumerees pen- the effectiveness of generally appli- dant leur circulation en transit A cable laws and regulations as to destination ou en provenance du the operation of means of trans- district administratif. La pre- portation. sente section ne s'applique pas aux cas d'interruption g6enrale des transports, qui seront traites comme il est pr6vu A la section 17, et ne fait pas obstacle a l'applica- tion des lois et reglements g6n6rale- ment applicables en ce qui con- cerne 'exploitation des moyens de transport. SECTION 12 SECTION 12 The provisions of Section 11 Les dispositions de la section 11 shall be applicable irrespective of s'appliqueront quelles que soient the relations existing between the les relations existant entre les Governments of the persons re- Gouvernements dont relevent les ferred to in that section and the personnes mentionn6es A ladite Government of the United States. section et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. SECTION 13 SECTION 13 Entry of aliens. (a) Laws and regulations in a) Les dispositions legislatives force in the United States regard- et reglementaires sur l'entree des ing the entry of aliens shall not be etrangers, en vigueur aux Etats- applied in such manner as to inter- Unis, ne pourront pas etre appli- fere with the privileges referred quees de maniere a porter atteinte to in Section 11. When visas are aux privileges pr6vus a la section required for persons referred to in 11. Les visas n6cessaires aux that Section, they shall be granted personnes mentionnees dans cette without charge and as promptly section seront accord6s sans frais as possible. et aussi rapidement que possible. Residence oaliens. (b) Laws and regulations in b) Les dispositions legislatives force in the United States regard- et reglementaires sur le sejour des ing the residence of aliens shall not etrangers, en vigueur aux Etats- be applied in such manner as to Unis, ne pourront pas Atre appli- interfere with the privileges re- quees de maniere a porter atteinte ferred to in Section 11 and, spe- aux privileges prevus a la section cifically, shall not be applied in 11. Elles ne pourront notam- such manner as to require any ment pas Atre appliquees de ma- 3424