Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/912

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. of money which can be sent in any one day by one remitter to the same payee in the United States of America. des sommes pouvant etre envoy4es journellement par un expediteur au meme destinaire aux Etats- Unis d'Amerique. Right to increase fees, suspend service, etc. ARTICLE XXV. Each Central Administratior reserves the right to increase th( fees or to suspend temporarily money order service in case il finds that this service is used b3 firms or by any one else for re- mitting large amounts, or foi speculation purposes. The temporary suspension of money order service may be de- cided unilaterally by each Admin- istration in case of extraordinary circumstances, of which each Ad- ministration is the sole judge. In all cases notice of such suspension must be given immedi- ately by telegraph to the cor- respondent Central Administra- tion. ARTICLE XXVI. The present Convention shall take effect on a date fixed by common agreement between the Postal Administration of the United States and Lebanon and promulgated according to the laws of the respective countries.['] It shall remain in force from year to year, unless one of the contracting parties gives notice to the other one year in advance of its intention to terminate it. The provisions of the present Convention will continue during ' [Entered into force July 1, 1947, the date agreed upon by exchange of letters of Apr. 16 and June 9, 1947, between the Lebanese Director of Posts and Tele- communications and the United States Third Assistant Postmaster General, respectively.] ARTICLE XXV. I Chacune des Administrations e Centrales se reserve la faculte d'augmenter le droit de commis- t sion ou meme de suspendre tem- r porairement le service des man- dats-poste, au cas oh elle con- r staterait que le service est utilis6 par des commergant ou par tout autre personne pour l'envoi des sommes exager6es ou pour des manoeuvres sp6culatives sur les devises. La suspension temporaire due service des mandats-poste pourra .galement etre d6cid6e de fagon unilat6rale par chacune des parties en cause au case de circonstances extraordinaires dont celle-ci de- meurera seule juge. Dans tous les cas, avis de cette suspension devra etre donne immediatement, au besoin par telegraphe a l'adminis- tration centrale correspondante. ARTICLE XXVI. La presente Convention entrera en vigueur a une date fixee d'un commun accord entre l'office Liba- naise et l'office Americain et promulguee conform6ment aux lois respectives des deux pays. Elle courra d'annee en annee, jusqu'a ce que l'une des parties contractantes ait donne avis A 1'autre, un an a l'avance, de son intention de la denoncer. Les dispositions de la pr6sente Convention continueront, pendant Effective date. Duration. 4262