Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/423

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t;l SI .I . (I;ENI E:ItAI. \Alt:I.MlNT (\N TAtIrI'FS ANI) TRAI I -(Ot'T . 311.147 aEHIXJ1 V - OANADI Part I - (Oont'd) Canadian-- Tariff Item Description of Produots i Rate of Duty mber 00 Crucibles, n.o .p ., and covers therefor ................... 1 p.o. XS t harble, rough,o not bmered or chislled ................. 10 p.o. 306 (i) Marble, dewn or send rubbed, not polished .......... 10 p.o. (ii) ranite, sawn; paving blokol of atone; flagstone and buildintg tone, other than marble or granite, amwn on not or than two sides .................................... 15 p.C. S6e Marble, not further -nuafatured than sa, when imported by mnufaoturarr of tombstone to be used *lolusively in the manufaeture of saeh artielee, in their on faootorie.. 10 p.o. ex 31 lMaufaRtures of alabater, a.o.p . .... .... .... .... .... .... . .Z- p.o. i* Asbestos in any form other than crude, and 11 oInu- faotures thereof, n.o .p .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 1 p.o. 31a Abestos in any form other thai orude, and all eanu- faoturee thereof. hen made frol crude asbestos of Britimh Ocamnommalth orxisnr n.op ........................ 13 p.o. 313 Plumrago, not ground or otherwise eanufctured ............ i. p.o. l* Pluibago, ground, end manufctures of, n.o .p ., end foundry faelngs of all kinds .................................... s.l p.O. 315 Carbons or carbox eleotrodes over three inehes in oiroum- ferene or outside mrasureent and not xoeeding thirty- five inchet in circumfereno o orutside maamreant; oarbaon of a olase or kind not produced in Canada, when imported for use in the manufacture of dry batteries and dry cell ................................................ Fr. 316 Fleotrio light and aro arbons, pointed or not, ain oontaot earbons, n.o.p . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . 25 p.o. nd, per poumd 10 eat. A425