Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/442

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A444 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SaoMi - 0iNAD Pert I - (Oont'd) t-riff Item lumber 4M 4Sa 4U 425 48T x 427 OX427 x 427b 427e Rate of Daty Desertptloa of Protcwts iri engines and other fir extingtuising meahtnes and ehamaoi for a- ; coaplset parts other than chaois part .................................................. and fire extingoishers, and sprinkler hoads for wutoemtio apintkler ostemn for fire proteotion ................... laaMwrs .............................................. rLA rmm desefo ftar ut e with Itiv pawer, detiber or not aoataling the potr uwtt ........................... All machiery aomposd holly or in part of iroa oratl, n.o .p., and omplete part tereof ...................... Mehinmrr and apparatta *eurattedin Thriff Item 41, h*rn for use by nnnfaaturs of artioles mao fr reManeratod oelluloao or oelulose aoetate; acoplete parts of such maohinery and appmrates, not to include saw, knives, and totiv pai-r ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ... eneer-drying mohines. and osplite parts threof ........ Wie stitchers and stapler, either hand or powr tlpe, but not tnoludingt ottve powr; oomplet part, of the foregoing ........... ... .... ... .. .. ... ... .... ... .... AUl eohinery oompotsd wholl or i part of iron or ostel, n.o.p., of a olsos or kind not nade in Oeua da, mplto parts of the foregoing ................................ Ball ad roller bearings ................................. Machinery for daiirrl purpoe , ri. : - P -r eiuse, powr dilk oolera, po-r ftller and oappers, poer ite ram mixers, po-r buttr prtnterS, pwr ora- ven, power bottle tenrlltser. poer brtie teaks, pwer d1lk bettl wraaher, pI-r mlk can ea IMm; lte-breaking - lehind , valvelems or emtrtfugal mdllkt p , - ttary dlk and oream vats; nome of the fregoain mahnrr to inmluda notiv p ........ ......... .......... ........ 25 p.8. 20 p.a. 25 p.o. 15 p.o. 25 p.O. 5 p.o. 5 p.O. 5 p.*. 10 p.o. IS p.o. iS p.o.