Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1401

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Indian Affairs, Bureau of-Continued. Roosevelt, Utah, high-school build- ing, cooperation in construction, extension, and improvement; conditions -----------.------ _ 171 Appropriation for -------------- 1120 Supplies, purchase and storage of, appropriations available------- 1124 Travel expenses, appropriations avail- able ------- _-- .. .. .. -- --- -- 1124 Tribal funds, miscellaneous, appro- priation for ------------------ 1121 Indian lands-- Individual, conveyances, authority of Secretary------------------ 236 Rights-of-way, authority of Secre- tary ----------------------- 17 Information, Division of, use of funds for -------------------.------ _ 1112 Jackson Hole National Monument, re - striction on use of funds in connec- tion with ----------------- 1149 Land Management, Bureau of- Appropriation for ------------ 220, 1114 Grazing lands, amounts for carrying out provisions relating to, non- applicability of limitations to certain classes of expenses--- -- 220 Regional offices, limitation on pay- ment of personnel assigned to-- 1115 Land patents, issuance and signature, delegation of authority by Secre- tary --------------------------- 476 Lands, public. See Public Lands. L'Anse, Mich., conveyance----------- 35 Leases. See separate title. Leave payments, lump-sum, nonappli- cability of limitations on amounts for personal services with respect to-------------------------- Library membership, funds available for--------------------------- Lincoln Creek, lands irrigated from, extension of system, appropriation authorized ------------------- Loans to Indians from revolving fund, authorized------------------- Increase of revolving fund --------- Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Districts Numbered 1 and 2, modifications in repayment contracts---------- Lump-sum leave payments, nonappli- cability of limitations on amounts for personal services with respect to -------

Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky. - Commissioner, appointment without recommendation and approval of Secretary-------------------- 1149 1150 1170 211 1118 336 1149 196 Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky.- Continued. Lands, acquisition of, appropriation authorized; use for entrance road_ 1165 Maryland, conveyance in Prince Georges County for use of Univer- sity of Maryland -------------- _ 200 Meetings, funds available for attendance at-- ------------------------- 1149 Mescalero Apache Tribe, per capita payment--------- __ _ ------- ---- 206 Mines, Bureau of- Appropriation for------------- 222, 1135 Fort Douglas Military Reservation, Utah, transfer of portion to--- 1139 Fuel testing, recommendations to Government departments and agencies -------------------- 1136 Helium procurement, transfer of funds from Departments of the Air Force, Army, and Navy-------- 1139 Lignite coal research laboratory, N. Dak., establishment author- ized; appropriation authorized-- 85 Appropriation for; contract author- ization -------------------- 1136 Pilot plants, sale of products of------ 1139 Public Health Service, details from__ 1139 Scientific investigations for Govern- ment agencies, transfer of funds for ------------------------- 1139 Synthetic liquid fuels, demonstration plants- Appropriation for ---------- 222, 1136 Time extension of authority; in- crease in appropriation authori- zation-------------------- 79 Transportation facilities, certain, authority for provision of__ 1137, 1139 Minnesota, University of, conveyance to, authority--------------- - 1100 Monroe County, Mich. , issuance of patents for public lands in------- 1171 National monuments. See separate title. National Park Service. See also Na- tional Parks. Appropriation for------------. 222, 1140 Artigas, General Jose Gervasio, stat- ue, authority respecting site, etc.; appropriation authorized- _ 1051,1052 Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area project, juris- diction of additional lands for-- 302 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, parkway survey, expenditure authorized-- 351 Chickamauga and Chattanooga Na- tional Military Park, addition of lands------------------------ 64 LXXIX