Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1264

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 upon the request of either of them, consult regarding any matter re- lating to the application of this Agreement or to operations or arrangements carried out pursuant to this Agreement. 2. The Government of Sweden will communicate to the Government of the United States of America in a form and at intervals to be indi- cated by the latter after consul- tation with the Government of Sweden: (a) detailed information of pro- jeot programs and measures pro- posed or adopted by the Government of Sweden to carvy dut the provisins of this Agreement and the General Obligations of the Convention for European Economic Cooperation; (b) full statements of operations under this Agreement, including a statement of the use of funds, com- modities and services received thereunder, such statements to be made in each calendar quarters (c) information regarding its economy and any other relevant in- formation, necessary to supplement that obtained by the Government of the United States of America from the Organization for European Eco- nomic Cooperations which the Govern- ment of the United States of America may need to determine the nature and

  • cope of operations under the Eco-

nomic Cooperation Act of 1948, and att pa enderas bedgran samrada rdrande varje fraga avseende till- lampningen av denna 5verenskommel- se respektive verksamhet eller anordningar eom genomforas enligt denna 8verenskomnelse. 2. Sveriges regering kommer att till PFrenta Staternas regering Bversanda, i den form och pA sa- dana tider som mS an;ivas av den senare regeringen efter samrad med Sveriges regering: a) detaljerade uppgifter an- gaende investeringsplaner, pro- gram och Atgarder som foreslogits eller antagits av Sverigss re- gering i sytte att genomfora be- stammelserna i denna 8verenskom- melse och de allmanna Atagandena i konventionen ang&ende europe- iskt ekonomiskt samarbete; b) fullstiandiga redogSrelser kvartalsvis for verksamheten un- der denna tdvrenskommelse, diri- bland en redogdrelse Vfr anvand- ningen a medel, varor och tjanst- ar som mottagits under densammna c) uppgifter angaende de eko- nomiska forh&llandena i Sverige samt avriga belysande uppgifter. vilka sro nodvandiga f(r att komplettera dem som Pdrenta Staternas regerina mottasit ge- nom Organis tionen flr europeiskt ekonomiskt asmarbete, och vilka mA erfordras far tPrenta Stater- nas regering for ntt bestimnma arten och oatattnlaen av verk- 2553 Pos, p. 2864. 28at., Pt. 1,p.13.