Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1270

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 (b) any other country (including any of the zones of occupation of Germany, and ?reas under internation- al administration or control, and the Free Terribry of Trieste or either of its zones) wholly or-partly in Europe, together with dependent areas under its administration; for so long as such country is a party to the Convention for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation and ad- heres to a joint program for Euro- pean recovery designed to accomplish the purpose of this Agreement. Article XI (Entry into Force, Amendment, Durat i on) 1. This Agreement shall become effective on the date of ratifica- tion by His Majesty the King of Sweden with the consent of the Riksdag.[l Subject to the prOvi- sions of piragrats 8 and 3 of this Article , it shall remain in force until June 30, 1953, and, unless at least six months before June 30, 1953, either Government shall have :iven notice in writinrg to the other of tnthtion to ter- minate the Agreeent$ae*hd4ate, it shall remain in ftoe thereafter until the expiration of six months from the date on vhdich such 1otice shall have been given. b) varje annat land (dhri- bland varje ockupationszon i Tyslland sant omradeaunder in- ternationell forvaltning eller kontroll och det fria omradet Trieste eller endera av dettas zoner), helt eller delvis beldget i Europa, Jnte underlydande om- raden undep dess fSrraltning; for den tid 6on landet sr anslutet till konventionen for europeiskt ekonomiskt eamarbete och deltager i ett gemensamt. program fUr euro- peisk Ateruppbyggnad avsett att forverkliga denna overenskommel- ses syftemAl. Artikel XI. (Ikrafttradande, andringar, gil- tighetstid) 1. Denna overenskommelse skall trada i krs;ft A dnaen for dess ratifikatioi av Hans Maje- stat Konungen av Sverige med Riks- dagens godkan/ande. Bed forbehll for bestammelserna i momenten 2 och 3 av denna artlkel skall over- enskommelsen fOrbliva i kraft till och med den 30 Juni 1953, och om icke minst sex minader fire den 30 Juni 195? endera regerinsen givit den andra skriftlig noti- fikation oo ein avsikt att bringa Overenskoameleen att upphra nman- da dag, skall iverenskommelsen forbliva i kraft dlrefter intill sex manader fran den dqg, da sadan notifikation lamnats. Entered into force July 21, 1948, the date on which the agreement was rati- fied by the King of Sweden with the consent of the Riksdag. 2559 Effective date; du- ration.