Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/283

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PROCLAMATIONS-OCT. 18, 1948 center of Patmos Road (also known as Sawyers Island Road), a point from which a 3" x 3" cedar post set for a witness cor- ner bears S. 22054' E., 0.13 ch., distant; Thence N. 41039 ' E., with the center of Patmos Road, 1.60 chs., to the intersection of said road with the line between marsh and upland; Thence with eleven courses along the edge of marsh and up- land with the meanders thereof, N. 89036' E., 1.293 chs., N. 34033 ' E., 3.83 chs., S. 85014' E., 1.30 chs., N. 31053 ' E., 3.40 chs., S. 65031 ' E., 1.00 ch., N. 61°38' E., 1.54 chs., N. 86°12' E., 1.12 chs., S. 36°26' E., 1.818 chs., N. 40020/ E., 4.86 chs., N. 43010 ' W., 2.163 chs., N. 22017 ' E., 1.661 chs., at the edge of marsh and upland on the northeasterly point of Sawyers Island, a standard concrete post No. 51; Thence N. 51°43' W., approximately 6.60 chs., to mean high water on the right or south bank of Great Creek (also known as Mud Creek); Thence Westerly, with mean high water upstream and on the right or south bank of Great Creek approximately 90.00 chs., to the intersection of mean high water on the right or south bank of Great Creek with the prolongation of the center of the ditch situate on the left or north side of Great Creek; Thence N. 5000/ E., in part crossing Great Creek and in part up a ditch, approximately 1.50 chs.; Thence with twelve courses along the center of ditches, with the meanders thereof, N. 22053' E., 1.870 chs., N. 4054' E., 5.310 chs., N. 50002' W., 1.734 chs., N. 3007' E., 3.110 chs., to the junction of ditches, N. 65°35' E., 7.48 chs., N. 57°33' E., 6.33 chs., to the intersection of ditches, S. 13°51' E., 1.943 chs., to the junction of ditches, S. 89°49' E., 3.090 chs., S. 79°58' E., 1.332 chs., S. 2040' W ., 0.519 ch., to the junction of ditches; S. 89008' E., 0.398 ch., to the junction of ditches; N. 65020' E., 5.23 chs., to the intersection of ditch with stone wall, at the edge of marsh and upland; Thence with twelve courses along a stone wall with the meanders thereof, N. 66011' E., 2.906 chs., S. 85006' E., 1.440 chs., N. 35°34' E., 1.320 chs., N. 71049' E., 4.220 chs., N. 50034' E., 1.631 chs., S. 35°23' E., 0.339 ch., N. 64022' E., 1.653 chs., S. 27°41' E., 1.38 chs., N. 70°03' E., 1.193 chs., S. 27°37' E., 0.388 chs., N. 66°25' E., 9.13 chs., N. 17005' W., 2.529 chs., at the intersection of stone walls, 1561 62 STAT. ]I