Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/304

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TREATIES Convention of 1905 to be terminated. 35 Stat. 1918. Dissolution of Insti- tute. ARTICLE I A partir de la date qui sera annoncee par le Comit6 permanent de 1'Institut aux termes de l'article III du present Protocole, la Con- vention signee A Rome le 7 juin 1905 et en vertu de laquelle l'Institut fut cree ne produira plus aucun effet entre les parties A ce Protocole, et l'Institut (le Centre y compris) sera en con- sequence dissous. ARTICLE I From the date to be announced by the Permanent Committee of the Institute in accordance with Article III of this Protocol, the Convention signed at Rome on June 7, 1905, by which the In- stitute was created, shall be no longer of any effect as between the parties to this Protocol, and the Institute (including the Center) thereupon shall be brought to an end. ARTICLE II Le Comit6 permanent de l'In- stitut, en conformite avec les instructions de l'Assemblee gene- rale de l'Institut, mettra fin aux activit6s de l'Institut (le Centre y compris) et, Aces fins, devra: (a) recueillir et rassembler tous les avoirs de l'Institut (le Centre y compris) et prendre possession de ses biblio- theques, archives, registres et autres biens mobiliers; (b) r6gler toutes dettes ou cr- ances dont 1'Institut est res- ponsable; (c) revoquer les employes de l'Institut et transferer a l'Organisation tous les dos- siers et 6tats de service du personnel; (d) transferer a l'Organisation la jouissance et pleine pro- pri6te des bibliotheques, archives, registres et avoirs residuaires de l'Institut (le Centre y compris). ARTICLE III Notification of Apr 6s s' 6 tre acquitt6 des tAches qui lui sont confiees par l'article II du present Protocole, le Comite ARTICLE II The Permanent Committee of the Institute shall, in accordance with the directions of the General Assembly of the Institute, bring the affairs of the Institute (in- cluding the Center) to an end and for this purpose shall (a) collect and bring together all assets of the Institute (including the Center) and take possession of the li- braries, archives, records, and movable property thereof; (b) pay and satisfy all out- standing debts and claims for which the Institute is liable; (c) discharge the employees of the Institute and transfer all personnel files and rec- ords to the Organization; (d) transfer to the Organization possession of and full title to the property in the libraries, archives, records, and all residual assets of the Insti- tute (including the Center). ARTICLE III When the duties assigned to it by Article II of this Protocol have been completed, the Permanent 1582 [62 STAT.