Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/851

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62 STAT.] YUGOSLAVIA-MUTUAL AID SETTLEMENT-JULY 19, 1948 Agreement between the United States of America and Yugoslavia respect- ing mutual aid settlement. Signed at Washington July 19, 1948; entered into force July 19, 1948. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERAL PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA REGARDING SETTLEMENT FOR LEND-LEASE, MILITARY RELIEF, AND CLAIMS The Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia have reached an understanding regarding a settlement for lend-lease, for the obliga- tion of the Government of Yugoslavia to the Government of the United States for civilian supplies furnished as military relief, and for other claims of each Government against the other arising out of the conduct of the war. In arriving at this understanding, both Governments have recognized the benefits accruing to each from the contributions of both to the defeat of their common enemies. This settlement is com- plete and final and both Governments agree that, except as provided in this Agreement, no further benefits will be sought by either Govern- ment from the other as consideration for the foregoing. 1. The term "lend-lease article" as used in this Agreement means any article transferred by the Government of the United States under the Act of March 11, 1941: (a) to the Government of Yugoslavia, or (b) to any other government and retransferred to the Govern- ment of Yugoslavia. 2. The Government of Yugoslavia receives, without qualification as to disposition or use, full title to all lend-lease articles, other than those described in numbered paragraphs 3 and 4 below. 3. The Government of the United States reserves the right to recap- ture any lend-lease articles of types defined as arms, ammunition and implements of war by Proclamation Number 2776 issued by the Presi- dent of the United States on March 26, 1948, 13 Federal Register 1623, March 27, 1948, which are held by the Government of Yugoslavia on the date on which notice requesting return is communicated to the Government of Yugoslavia. The Government of the United States has indicated that it does not intend to exercise generally its right to recapture such articles. The Government of Yugoslavia will not re- transfer or dispose of such articles to any third country or for export without the prior consent of the Government of the United States. 4. To the extent required by United States law, vessels which were made available to the Government of Yugoslavia under lend-lease will be returned to the Government of the United States. July 19, 1948 [T. I. A. . 1779] "Lend-lease ar. ticle." 55 Stat. 31. 22 U. S. C. §§411- 419; Supp. I, I 412 et seq. Receipt by Yugo- slavia of title to desig- nated articles. U. S . right to recap- ture of lend-lease arms, etc. Ante, p. 1495. Return of vessels by Government of Yugo- slavia. 2133