Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/917

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. establish and maintain valid rates ol exchange and to reduce trade barriers Considering that in furtherance ol these principles the Government of Den- mark has joined with other like-minded nations in a Convention for European Economic Cooperation signed at Paris on April 16, 1948, '] under which th( signatories of that Convention agreed to undertake as their immediate task the elaboration and execution of a joint recovery program, and that the Govern- ment of Denmark is a member of the Organization for European Ec6nomic Cooperation created pursuant to the provisions of that Convention; Considering also that, in further- ance of these principles, the Government of the United States of America has enacted the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, providing for the furnishing of assistance by the United States of Amer- ica to nations participating in a joint program for European recovery, in or- der to enable such nations through their own individual and concerted efforts to become independent of extraordinary outside economic assistance; Taking note that the Government of Denmark has already expressed its adherence to the purposes and policies of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948; Desiring to set forth the under- standings which govern the furnishing of assistance by the Government of the United States of America under the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, the receipt of such assistance by Denmark, and the measures which the two Govern- ments willtake individually and together in furthering the recovery of Denmark Department of State publication 3145. Henblik paa at tilvejebringe og opret- holde holdbare Valutakurser og paa at formindske Hindringer for Handelen; idet de tager i Betragtning, at den danske Regering til Fremme af disse Principper sammen med andre ligesin- dede Lande har indgaaet en Konvention om Europmeisk 0konomisk Samarbejde, undertegnet i Paris den 16. April 1948, i hvilken Konventionens Underskrivere enedes om, som deres ojeblikkelige Op- gave at paatage sig Udarbejdelsen og Gennemferelsen af et faelles Genopbyg- ningsprogram, samt at den danske Re- gering er Medlem af Organisationen for Europeeisk 0konomisk Samarbejde, der er oprettet ifolge den nsevnte Konven- tions Bestemmelser; og idet de ligeledes tager i Betragt- ning, at Amerikas Forenede Staters Re- gering til Fremme af disse Principper har vedtaget Lov om 0konomisk Sam- arbejde af 1948, der indeholder Be- stemmelser om Ydelse af Bistand fra Amerikas Forenede Stater til Lande, som deltager i et fselles Program for europeeisk Genopbygning, med det For- maal at saette saadanne Lande i Stand til gennem individuelle og felles An- strengelser at blive uafhengige af eks- traordinaer okonomisk Hjaelp udefra; idet de tager til Efterretning, at den danske Regering allerede har udtalt sin Tilslutning til de Formaal og Retnings- linier, som indeholdes i Lov om Okono- misk Samarbejde af 1948; idet de onsker at give Udtryk for de Forudsaetninger, som ligger til Grund for Ydelse af Bistand fra Amerikas For- enede Staters Regering i Henhold til Lov om 0konomisk Samarbejde af 1948, for Danmarks Modtagelse af denne Bistand og for de Forholdsregler, som de to Re- geringer vil traeffe hver for sig og i Fetl- lesskab til Fremme af Genopbygningen i Danmark som en integrerende Del af det 2200 62Stat., Pt.1, p. 17.