Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/920

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62 STAT.] DENMARK-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JUNE 29, 1948 commodities and services ob- tained with assistance fur- nished under this Agree- ment are used for pur- poses consistent with this Agreement and, as far as practicable, with the general purposes outlined in the schedules furnished by the Government of Denmark in support of the requirements of assistance to be furnished by the Government of the United States of America; (ii) the observation and review of the use of such resources through an effective follow- up system approved by the Organization for European Economic Cooperation; and (iii) to the extent practicable, measures to locate, identify and put into appropriate use in furtherance of the joint program for European re- covery, assets, and earnings therefrom, which belong to nationals of Denmark and which are situated within the United States of Amer- ica, its territories or pos- sessions. Nothing in this clause imposes any obliga- tion on the Government of the United States of America to assist in carrying out such measures or on the Government of Denmark to dispose of such assets; b) to promote the development of industrial and agricultural pro- duction on a sound economic basis; to achieve such production dige for at sikre, at de Varer og Tjenesteydelser, som er fremskaffet ved Bistand ydet i Henhold til nmrvaerende Overenskomst, anvendes til Formaal, som er forenelige med Overenskomsten og saa vidt muligt med de alminde- lige Formaal, der fremgaar af Programmer, som er fremsat af den danske Re- gering til Stette for Behov for Bistand, der ydes at Amerikas Forenede Staters Regering; (ii) Iagttagelse og Undersegelse af saadanne Hjelpekilders Anvendelse gennem et effek- tivt System, godkendt af Or- ganisationen for Europseisk 0konomisk Samarbejde; og (iii) i videst gerligt Omfang For- holdsregler, som tilsigter at paavise, at identificere og pan passende Maade til Frem- me af det feelles Program for europaisk Genopbygning at udnytte saadanne Ak- tiver og deres Udhytte, som tilherer danske Statsborgere, og som findes i Amerikas Forenede Stater, dets Terri- torier og Besiddelser. Intet i narvaerende Bestemmelse paalagger Amerikas For- enede Staters Regering no- gen Forpligtelse til at bistaa red Gennemferelsen at sea- danne Forholdsregflr eller den danske Regering nogen Forpligtelse til at afhande saadanne Aktiver; b at fremme Udviklingen af Indu- stri- og Landbrugsproduktionen paa et sundt ekonomisk Grund- lag, at naa til de Produktions- 2203 Development opro- duction.