Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/928

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62STAT.] DENMARK-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JUNE 29, 1948 regarding any matter relating to the application of this Agreement or to operations or arrangements carried out pursuant to this Agreement. 2. The Government of Denmark will communicate to the Government of the United States of America in a form and at intervals to be indicated by the latter after consultation with the Government of Denmark: (a) detailed information of projects, programs and measures pro- posed or adopted by the Govern- ment of Denmark to carry out the provisions .of this Agree- ment and the General Obliga- tions of the Convention for Eu- ropean Economic Cooperation; (b) full statements of operations un- der this Agreement, including a statement of the use of funds, commodities and services re- ceived thereunder, such state- ments to be made in each cal- endar quarter: (c) information regarding its econo- my and any other relevant in- formation, necessary to supple- ment that obtained by the Gov- ernment of the United States of America from the Organiza- tion for European Economic Cooperation, which the Govern- ment of the United States of America may need to determine the nature and scope of opera- tions under the Economic Co- operation Act of 1948, and to evaluate the effectiveness of as- sistance furnished or contem- plated under this Agreement forhandle om ethvert Sporgsmaal i For- bindelse med Anvendelsen af denne Over- enskomst eller med Foranstaltninger el- ler Ordninger, der ivaerksaettes i Medfor af denne Overenskomst. 2. Den danske Regering vil i en saadan Form og med saadanne Mel- lemrum, som Amerikas Forenede Staters Regering efter Forhandling med den danske Regering maatte angive, tilstille sidstneevnte Regering: a. Detaillerede Oplysninger om Projekter, Programmer og For- holdsregler, som foreslaas eller vedtages af den danske Rege- ring med det Formaal at gen- nemfore Bestemmelserne i naer- vaerende Overenskomst og de Al- mindelige Forpligtelser i Kon- ventionen om Europaeisk 0ko- nomisk Samarbejde; b. udforlige Beretninger vedroren- de Foranstaltninger i Medfor af denne Overenskomst, herunder en Oversigt over Anvendelsen af Pengemidler, Varer og Tjeneste- ydelser, der modtages i Medfor deraf; saadanne Beretninger skal aflegges i hvert Kvartal; C. Oplysninger vedrorende Dan- marks 0konomi og alle nn- dre relevante Oplysninger, der maatte vare nodvendige til at supplere det Materiale. som Amerikas Forenede Staters Re- gering maatte nodtage fra Or- ganisationen for Europeisk 0konomisk Samarbejde, og som Amerikas Forenede Staters Re- gering maatte behove for at fastslaa de Foranstaltningers Natur og Omfang, der vil blive truffet i Henhold til Lov om 0konomisk Samarbejde af 1948, og for at bedomme Effektivite- 2211 Poat, p. 2221 . 62Stat., Pt.1.p.137. --