Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1042

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3660 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. For the Kingdom of Norway TORFINN OFTEDAL Pelos Estados Unidos do Brasil Ad referendum Para ter efeito trinta dias ap6s a notificacao so Secretario Geral das NacSes Unidas JoAO CARLOS MUNIZ For Pakistan S. HASNIE For Ceylon Ad referendum Signature to be effective thirty days after notification to Secretary- General of U.N . [1] O. GOONETILLEKE For India Ad referendum Signature to be effective thirty days after notification to Secretary- General of U.N. [2] C. DESAI For the United Kingdom R. SHACKLE For the United States of America LEROY D. STINEBOWER Pour la Republique franaise ANDRE PHILIP For the Kingdom of the Netherlands E. DE VRIES Pour la Belgique M. SUETENS Pour le Grand-Duch &de Luxembourg J. WOULBROUN For Canada E. D . WILGRES8 Instrument of acceptance was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Dec. 9, 1948. ' Instrument of acceptance was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Nov. 1, 1948.