Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1297

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3918 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Comunicada al Ministerio de Agricultura la nota N° 175 en refe- rencia, ese Despacho manifiesta en oficio 2383 de 29 del mes pasado que esta en un todo de acuerdo con la propuesta de su Ilustrado Gobierno y esta conforme en contribuir con la suma de $420,000.00 (cuatrocientos veinte mil colones) al desarrollo del programa coopera- tivo de agricultura que sera prorrogado hasta el 30 de junio del ano entrante. De acuerdo con lo anterior, en conformidad con los deseos ex- presados en la nota que contesto, el pr6ximo tramite de este negocio seria la firma del acuerdo previsto entre el Ministerio de Agricultura y un representante del Instituto Inter-Americanos. Sirva esta ocasi6n para reiterar a Vuestra Excelencia los sentimien- tos de mi mas elevada y distinguida consideraci6n. BENJAMfN ODIO Excelentisimo Sefior Don NATHANIEL P. DAVIS Embajador Eztraordinarioy Plenipotenciariode los Estados Unidos Ciudad Translation REPUBLIC OF COSTA RIOA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS AND WORSHIP No. 198 -B SAN JosA, October 5, 1948 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to note No. 175 of the United States Em- bassy, dated August 27 of this year, regarding the extension of the agricultural cooperation program which is being carried out jointly by the Republic and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, in con- nection with the proposal contained in note no. 1425-B of this Minis- try that the Government of the United States agree to pay half the cost of the agricultural program which the Republic wishes to carry out by means of the Inter-American Technical Service of Agricultural Co-operation. After the aforementioned note no. 175 had been transmitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, the latter stated, in communication no. 2383 dated the 29th of last month, that it was in complete agreement with the proposal of your Government and that it agreed to contribute the sum of $420,000.00 (four hundred twenty thousand colones) for the execution of the agricultural co-operation program which will be extended to June 30 of next year. In accordance with the foregoing, and in compliance with the wishes expressed in the note to which I am replying the next step in this matter would be the signature [1] of the contemplated agreement by the Ministry of Agriculture and a representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. 1 The agreement was signed Aug. 30, 1948; see ante, p. 3917.