Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1343

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3964 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Les pratiques et procedures administratives 6tablies conjointe- ment par le Secretaire d'Etat de l'Agriculture et le Chef du Corps Technique, en vertu de l'Accord et en vue de son execution, con- tinueront B etre appliqu~es en ce qui concerne le programme co- operatif jusqu'a son expiration le 31 Decembre 1946. 4.- Le Gouvernement de la Republique d'Haiti prendra toute action legale necessaire pour mettre en execution les termes du present Accord de Prolongation. Le Present Accord de Prolongation a ete signe en double original en Anglais et en Francais, a Port-au -Prince, le 25 Juin 1945 et a Wash- ington le 20 Juillet 1945, par les soussignes diument autoris6s. POUR LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI M DArioUE Secretaire d'Etat de l'Agriculture POUR L'INSTITUT DES AFFAIRES INTER-AMERICAINES W C BISTER Memorandum of agreement between the Haitian Government and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. Signed October 16, 1945; oper- ative October 16, 1945. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT [1] AMENENENT NMBER 1 The memorandum of agreement executed on behalf of the Republic of Haiti and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs on August 28, AM., p. 3953. 1944, providing for a Cooperative Food Production Program is hereby amended as follows: On the last line of paragraph 9, the words "as allowed to depart- Antc, p. 39a. ments of the Haitian Government" shall be stricken out. IN WrrNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this amendment to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this sixteenth day of October 1945. REPUBLIC OF HAITI by M. DARnTrG Minister of Agriculture THE INSTITUTE OF INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS by J. A. BAZAN Acting Chief of Party No French laaguage text available.