Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1409

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4030 Entry into force. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. If Your Excellency agrees that the proposed extension on the above basis is acceptable to your Government, I would appreciate receiving an expression of Your Excellency's opinion and agreement thereto as soon as may be possible in order that the technical details of the exten- sion may be worked out by officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. The Government of the United States of America will consider the present Note and your reply Note concurring therein as constituting an agreement between our two Governments which shall come into force on the date of signature [1] of an Agreement by the Haitian Secre- tary of State for Agriculture and by a representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs embodying the above-mentioned technical details. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. HAROLD H. TITTMANN, American Ambassador. His Excellency EDMEE MANIGAT, Secretariatof Statefor Foreign Affairs, Port-au -Prince. The Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador SECRITAIRERIE D'ETAT DES RELATIONS EXTIRIEURES REPUBLIQUE D'HA!TI No. SG/A-3:i.82 Port-au-Prince,le 29 Juin 1948. MONSIEUR L'AMBASSADEUR, J'ai l'honneur d'accuser reception A Votre Excellence de sa lettre en date du 25 courant, No. 711, relative au renouvellement de l'accord du 28 aoft 1944 pour une periode d'une annee finissant le 30 aout 1949. J'ai note que les details techniques dudit accord A conclure entre l'Institut des Affaires Inter-americaines et le Gouvernement haitien devront etre discutes par les fonctionnaires competents des deux organismes. Il m'est agr6able d'informer Votre Excellence que les bases ci-des- sous enum&eres: a) contribution du Gouvernement haitien: $ 300.000.00; b) " de l'Institut

100.000 .00

outre une valeur de $ 137.012.00 destinee au paiement des salaires et autres frais des membres du personnel de la Food Supply sont acceptees par le Gouvernement de la Republique. XJune 30, 1948.