Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1370

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Coconut Oil, termination of suspension of Page processing tax, proclamation ------- 1279 Code, United States. See United States Code. Code Annotated, U. S., price limitation-- 662 Code of Federal Regulations, appropria- tion for printing and binding-------- 229 Coffee Board, Inter-American, decrease in amount for -------------------- 250, 747 Coffey, Robert L., Jr., appropriation for payment to widow of ------------ 231 Cohen, Dora, deportation suspension..-- 1241 Cohen, Gertie Gertrude, deportation sus- pension _------------------------ 1248 Cohen, Goldman and Company, Inc., pay- ment to-------------------------- 1199 Cohen, Joseph, deportation suspension - _ 1248 Cohen, Moe Martin, deportation suspen- sion----_------------- ----------. 1235 Cohen, Sarah Iroff (Sarah Iroff or Sally Epstein), deportation suspension- -- Coins, Silver, appropriation for recoinage_ Cold Bay, Alaska, construction authorized- Coleburn, L. E ., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim------------------------ Colleges and Schools: Agriculture and mechanic arts, colleges of, appropriation for endowment-- Bushnell Army Hospital, Brigham City, Utah, conversion for school pur- poses, appropriation for --------- Federal Works Agency, Bureau of Com- munity Facilities, appropriation for maintenance and operation of 1235 358 935 1144 287 84 schools------------------------- 79 General Services Administration- Assistance to local school agencies in certain cases; limitation -------- 697 Appropriation authorized -------- 697 Appropriation for --------------- 977 Surplus property, donation for educa- tional purposes---------------- 386 Hoopa, Calif., school buildings, appro- priation authorized ------ _------ 722 Reclamation, Bureau of, payments to school districts, projects under con- struction--------------------- 242, 778 South Dakota, Indian reservation schools, provision for meeting mini- mum education requirements ----- 694 Veterans, education and training. See Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. Collins, Alice Mildred Eileen, deportation suspension --------------------- _ 1222 Collins, Petronella Dorthea, deportation suspension ------------------- __- 1233 Colliver, Mabel, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim-----------_ --- ----- ---- 1198 Colon, Republic of Panama, waterworks, sewers, etc., funds available _ ---__ - Colonial Dames of America, National Society of, D. C., taxation exemption_ Colonial National Historical Park, Va., ap- propriation for carrying out provisions of Act of March 5, 1948------------ Colonial Parkway, appropriation for; con- tract authorization ---- __---__---_ Page 850 694 794 794 Colorado: Arkansas River Compact- Consent of Congress -------------- 145 Funds for payment of U. S . repre- sentative in negotiation and participation; retired Army offi- cer as U. S. representative ------ 786 Colorado-Big Thompson project, ap- propriation for--------- 85, 86, 780, 783 Denver- Conveyance to Federal Works Agency in ---------------- . --- --- --- Mint, appropriation for ----------- Irrigation projects, appropriation for-- Leadville- Drainage tunnel, appropriation for; contract authorization ---- ___ _ Rearing ponds and fish cultural facili- ties, rehabilitation, authority - Appropriation authorized---- - _- - Appropriation for acquisition of lands --

____________ 194 363 773 789 615 616 981 Uncompahgre project- Approval of contract with, execution authority -------------------- 63 Sale of vacant public lands, authority- 64 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact, consent of Congress-------------- 31 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropriation for ---------------------- 259,782,784 Colorado River Development Fund: Appropriation for --------- _-------_ 784 Availability of funds --------- _-----_ 242 Colorado River Front Work and Levee System, appropriation for ---------- 242 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for------------------ 773 Colorado River Protection Works, appro- priation for----------------------- 783 Coltras, Marica, deportation suspension-_ 1235 Columbia Basin Project, Wash., appro- priation for-------_ 85, 242, 259, 781, 783 Columbia Institution for the Deaf: Appropriation for ---- _-- -- --_ 254, 285, 870 Civil Service Retirement Act, appli- cability to employees; creditable service----------_ ---- ----- ----- 884 Columbia National Forest, designation as Gifford Pinchot National Forest, proclamation-----_ _- -- --- --- -- -- - 1277 XL INDEX