Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1509

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Vessels-Continued Page Foreign, certain, funds for expenses of transfer to United States ------- 1022 Gambling ship, definition, penalty.- -- - 92 Increase and replacement of naval ves- sels- Appropriation for ----------------- 979 Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations --------------------- 1025 Restriction on availability of funds ------------------- 1009, 1010 Iron ore, transportation on Great Lakes in vessels of Canadian registry dur- ing designated period ------------ 16 Italy, emigration under Economic Co- operation Act of 1948, provision of vessels for---------------------- 55 Safety of naval vessels, responsibility of Coast Guard ------------------ 503 Surplus, disposition of certain by Mari- time Commission -------------- 386 Transfer, designated agencies, author- ized---------------------- 798,994 Vestes, Stratos (Ernest Vestes or Efsti- atios Vestis), deportation suspension- 1250 Veterans. See also Veterans Administra- tion. Aliens, eligibility for naturalization, substitution of section 334 (c) for 334 (e) in provisions of Nationality Act of 1940-------------------- 282 Disabled, automobiles for, funds con- tinued available----------------- 744 District of Columbia, services to, ap- propriation for------------------ 310 Education and training. See Service- men's Readjustment Act of 1944. Educational facilities, administrative expenses, decrease in amount for Veterans-Continued Page Regulations- Number 1 (a)- Part I- Paragraph II, subparagraphs (a) to (j), amendment--------- 732 Paragraph IV, amendment----- 732 Part IX, paragraph 1, amendment_ 689 Number 3 (a), paragraph II, addition_ 732 Number 10, paragraph VIII, amend- ment ------

------ ----

733 Uniform of armed forces, wearing on occasions of ceremony ---------- 559 Veterans Administration. See also Vet- erans. Administration, medical, hospital and domiciliary services- Funds for---- -_-----------. 652, 978 Reduction in appropriation -------- 983 Administrative facilities, reduction in appropriation------------------ 663 Administrator, increase in basic com- pensation----------- ---------- 880 Appropriation for .- 48, 80, 236, 652, 744, 978 Army, Department of the, allotments and transfers of funds to, author- ity -------------------------- 652 Automobiles for disabled veterans, funds continued available --------- 744 Benefits, appropriation for payments_ 81, 655 Burial awards, appropriation for pay- leave payments.....----------- Fianc6es or fiances, completion of proc- essing of visa cases, etc., authority- Government employees. See Veterans under Government Employees. Housing. See separate title. Incompetent veterans, lump sum pay- ment of benefits withheld during hospitalization, modification of lim- itation ------------------------ Mothers, widowed, divorced, etc., vet- erans' preference benefits.------. Organizations, national, use of armed services equipment at conventions; terms, bond------......


Pensions. See under Veterans Admin- istration. Placement Service Board, Veterans', abolishment, transfer of functions to Department of Labor --..----- 643 56 484 666 483 1065 ments-...................... Canteen Service, Veterans'- Appropriations authorized; use---- Checks, money orders, etc., use of funds for cashing--------- Classification Act of 1949, provisions respecting applicability------- Equipment and services, provision to; payment for ------------ Payment of employees from funds of_ Personnel ceilings, exclusion of em- ployees from provisions---- Chillicothe, Ohio, conveyance--------- Construction limitation ------ Deputy Administrator, increase in basic compensation ----------------- Federal Security Agency, allotments and transfers of funds to, authority- Helena, Mont., reconveyance of land parcels to Helena Chamber of Com- merce----------------------- Hospital and domiciliary facilities, con - tract authorizations, time exten- sion ------------------------ Hospitalization restriction ---------- Insane persons, certain, placement in Veterans Administration facility-- 655 74 73 956 73 73 73 681 652 880 652 74 654 655 761 INDEX CLXXIX