Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/492

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 354 -JULY 20,1949 International s a- of the expenses of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Com- cific Salmon Fisheries commission. mission, under the convention between the United States and Canada, concluded May 26, 1930 (50 Stat. 1355), not to exceed $219,500, of which not to exceed $50,000 may be transferred to the appropriation for "Restoration of salmon runs, Fraser River system, International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission" contained in the First Defi- Advanceffunds. ciency Appropriation Act, 1944: Provided, That sums appropriated for the United States share of the expenses of the International Fisheries Commission and of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission may, except for the expenses of the members, be advanced to the respective Commissions for the expenses of said Commissions. INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL AcrTvrrIEs Post. pp. 747,878. For expenses necessary to enable the Department of State to carry out international information and educational activities as authorized by the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 2 tat.6. 1948 (Public Law 402, approved January 27, 1948) and the Act of 22 U. S. C., Supp. n. § 1431 et seq. August 9,1939 (22 U. S . C . 501), and to administer the program author- 63 stat. 1290 . ized by section 32 (b) (2) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as 0 tt. 754. amended (50 U. S . C . App . 1641 (b)), including personal services in the District of Columbia; employment, without regard to the civil- service and classification laws, of persons on a temporary basis (not to exceed $60,000) and aliens within the United States; salaries, expenses, and allowances of personnel and dependents as authorized by the 60 at. upp. Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U. S. C. 801-1158); expenses of 22 U. S. C., Supp. II,§815et eq. attendance at meetings concerned with activities provided for under A' P.111 . this appropriation (not to exceed $11,000); printing and binding; entertainment within the United States (not to exceed $5,000); pur- chase (not to exceed three) and hire of passenger motor vehicles; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 60 Stat. 810. U. S. C. 55a); advance of funds notwithstanding section 3648 of the 31 U. . c. i 629. Revised Statutes as amended; actual expenses of preparing and trans- porting to their former homes the remains of persons, not United States Government employees, who may die away from their homes while participating in activities authorized under this appropriation; Experimento and establishment and operation of agricultural and other experiment and tions. demonstration stations in other American countries, on land acquired by gift or lease, and construction of necessary buildings thereon; radio activities and acquisition and production of motion pictures and visual materials and purchase or rental of technical equipment and facilities therefor narration and script-writing, by contract or otherwise, acqui- sition of printed materials, purchase of objects for presentation to foreign governments, schools, or organizations, and information and educational activities outside the continental United States, all without 41 U.. S..5 . regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes; $34,000,000, of which Ate, p. 43. $1,000,000 shall be available for payment of obligations incurred under authority granted under this head in the Department of State Appro- 62 stat. 312. priation Act, 1949, to enter into contracts for construction of buildings Transfer of rnds. and acquisition of land, and of which not to exceed $2,760,000 may be transferred to other appropriations of the Department of State: International. short- Provided,That, notwithstanding the provisions of section 3679 of the Revised Statutes (31 U. S . C . 665), the Department of State is author- ized in making contracts for the use of the international short-wave Indemnification radio stations and facilities, to agree on behalf of the United States tors. to indemnify the owners and operators of said radio stations and facilities from such funds as may be hereafter appropriated for the purpose against loss or damage on account of injury to persons or 454 [63 STAT.