Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/92

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for such transportation exceed the cost of such transportation at world market rates." 62Stat5. . upp. (b) Such section 115 (b) (6) is hereby further amended byi sert- In, 1513 (b) (6). ing after "or for such other expenditures as may be consistent with" nte,p. 53 . the words "the declaration of policy contained in section 102 and". 62 Stat. 5upp. (c) Section 115 (d) of such Act is hereby amended to read as 22 U. S. C., Supp. II, 1513 (d). follows: Follow-up system. c(d) The Administrator shall encourage each participating country to insure, by an effective follow-up system, that efficient use is made of the commodities, facilities, and services furnished under this title. In order further to insure that each participating country makes efficient use of such commodities, facilities, and services, and of its own resources, the Administrator shall encourage the joint organiza- tion of the participating countries referred to in subsection (b) of this section to observe and review the operation of such follow-up systems." 622Stat. (d) Section 115 of such Act is hereby further amended by adding II, 1513. two new subsections as follows: Special local cur- "(h) Not less than 5 per centum of each special local currency Pst, p. 7o. account established pursuant to paragraph (6) of subsection (b) of this section shall be allocated to the use of the United States Govern- ment for expenditure for materials which are required by the United States as a result of deficiencies or potential deficiencies in its own resources or for other local currency requirements of the United States. Production in- "(i) (1) The Administrator shall, to the greatest extent practi- cre a ses. cable, initiate projects for and assist the appropriate agencies of the United States Government in procuring and stimulating increased production in participating countries of materials which are required by the United States as a result of deficiencies or potential deficiencies in its own resources; and in furtherance of those objectives the Admin- istrator shall, in addition to the local currency allocated pursuant to subsection (h), use such other means available to him under this title as he may deem appropriate. contracts wgthar "(2) In furtherance of such objectives and within the limits of the appropriations and contract authorizations of the Bureau of Federal Supply to procure strategic and critical materials, the Administrator, with the approval of the Director of such Bureau, shall enter into contracts in the name of the United States for the account of such Bureau for the purchase of strategic and critical materials in any participating country. Such contracts may provide for deliveries over definite periods, but not to exceed twenty years in any contract, and may provide for payments in advance of deliveries. "(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to restrict or limit in any manner the authority now held by any agency of the United States Government in procuring or stimulating increased production of the materials referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) in countries other than participating countries." 62 Stat. 3 .upp SEC. 10. (a) The first sentence of section 117 (c) of such Act is II, § 1515 (c). hereby amended by striking out the period and inserting in lieu thereof Transportation a colon and the following: "Provded.That the Administrator shall ages. fix and pay a uniform rate per pound for the ocean transportation of all relief packages of food or other general classification of com- modities shipped to any participating foreign country, regardless of methods of shipment and higher rates charged by particular agencies of transportation, but this proviso shall not apply to shipments made by individuals to individuals through the mails"' 22U.s. ., upp. (b) Section 117 (d) of such Act is hereby amendebyy striking out I,S 1515 (d). section 6 of the Act of July 2 1940 (54 Stat. 714), as amended,' and

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701; Supp. ii, 701. inserting in lieu thereof "the Export Control Act of 1949". Ante, p. 7. 54 PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 77 -APR . 19,1949 [63 STAT.