Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/854

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6(: STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TTELECOMMNIUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 2151 X PROTOCOL Concerning the Procedure to be Followed by the Countries Wishing to Modify Their Class of Contribution to the Expenditures of the Union. The International Telecommunication Conference of Atlantic City, agrees as follows: 1. In derogation of the provisions of the Madrid Convention, the 49Stat. 2391. classification of units of contribution provided in Article 14, para- graph 4 of the International Telecommunication Convention of At- Ante, p. 1433. lantic City shall go into effect as of January 1, 1948. 2. Each Member shall, prior to September 1, 1948, notify the Sec- retary General of the Union of the class of contribution it has se- lected, from the classification table set forth in Article 14, paragraph 4 of the International Telecommunication Convention of Atlantic City. For meeting expenses for the fiscal year 1948, such notifica- tion may indicate the selection of a class of contribution for the expenses of the radio service, and a different class for the expenses of the telegraph and telephone service. For meeting expenses for the fiscal year 1949 and subsequent fiscal years, such notification shall indicate the single class selected for meeting the consolidated expenses of the radio service and the telegraph and telephone service. 3. Members failing to make decision prior to September 1, 1948 in accordance with the foregoing paragraph shall be bound to con- tribute in accordance with the number of units to which they have subscribed under the Madrid Convention, provided, however, that if 49 Stat.2391. such Members have, under the Madrid Convention, subscribed to a class of contribution for the radio service which is different from the class subscribed by them for the telegraph and telephone service, they shall, for the fiscal year 1949 and subsequent years, be bound to contribute in accordance with the higher of these two classes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed Signatures these Additional Protocols in each of the English and French lan- guages, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America and one copy of which shall be forwarded to each signatory government. DONE at Atlantic City, October 2, 1947. [The signatures following the Additional Protocols are the same as those which follow the ('onvention. See ante, p. 1453, and post, p. 2153.]