Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/584

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Entry into force. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. be contributed and made available by the parties in furtherance of the program. The Government of the United States of America will consider the present note and your reply note concurring therein as constituting an agreement between our two Governments, which shall come into force on the date of signature of an agreement by the Minister of Economy and a representative of The Institute of Inter-American Affairs [1] embodying the above-mentioned technical details. If the proposed extension on the above basis is acceptable to your Government, I would appreciate receiving an expression of Your Excellency's assurance to that effect as soon as may be possible, in order that the technical details of the extension may be worked out by the officials of the Ministry of Economy and The Institute of Inter- American Affairs. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. FL=TCHEB WARREN American Ambassador His Excellency BEENADO OOAMPos, Ministerof ForeignRelatioan and Worship, Asauncin. The ParaguayanMinister of Foreign Relations and Worship to the American Ambassador MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES Y CULTO D..L ., C. N 525.- AsUNCION, 11 de Agosto de 1.949. - SnioB EMiAJADOR: Tengo el honor de dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia para hacer referencia a su nota Ne 102, de fecha 22 de Julio ppdo., y con relaci6n al contenido de la misma, me es grato poner a su conocimiento el texto de la comunicaci6n S/ne 202, del 10 del corriente mes, del Ministerio de Economia, que es como sigue: "Senor Ministro: Me es grato dirigirme a V.E . con el objeto de acusar recibo de su oficio D.A .E. y C. No 488, del 27 de Julio ppdo., remitiendo a este Ministerio copia del texto de la nota No 102, del 22 del mismo mes, recibida de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos de America en esta Capital, conteniendo la conformidad del Departamento de Estado de Washington para la pr6rroga del Convenio suscrito entre nuestro Gobierno y el Servicio Tecnico Interamericano de Cooperaci6n Agricola (SUcA).- Sobre el particular, cabeme recordar a V.E . que en Consejo de Ministros ya se ha resuelto aceptar dicha pr 6 rroga en las condiciones mencionadas en la nota de referencia.- Al rogarle quiera tener a bien transmitir la presente comunicaci6n a la Embajada Americana en nuestro Sept. 2,149.