Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/991

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SUBJECT Coast G u a r d — C o n t i n u e d Page P a y and allowances, acceptance of certificates in support of accounts. _ 172 Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Postal clerks, designation of personnel as 55 Appropriation authorized 56 Reserve training, appropriation for 70 Retired personnel— P a y, appropriation for 70 Restriction on payments to, for sales of supplies or war materials 437 Survivors' annuities, election 502 Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953 501 Schooling for dependents of personnel stationed outside continental United States, funds available 69 Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953 501 Universal Military Training and Service Act, amendments. See separate title. Code Annotated, United States, price limitation 436 Code of Federal R e g u l a t i o n s: Appropriation for printing and b i n d i n g. 330 Publication procedure 388 Collisions at Sea, correction of Act authorizing President to proclaim regulations for prevention 83 Colonial National Historical P a r k, exchange of lands 27 Color of Title Act, Amendments: L and p a t e n t s, issuance of 227 Mineral reservation 228 Colorado, higher education, consent of Congress to interstate compact by Western States 490 Colorado River D a m F u n d, operation and maintenance of reclamation projects, advances for 267 Colorado River Development F u n d, use for general investigations 265 Columbia Hospital for W o m e n and Lyingi n Asylum, D. C, funds available 427 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, appropriation for 249 Columbia River: Agricultural development of area, appropriation for 214 Dalles D a m, payments to Indians for fishing interests impaired by 198



Columbia River—Continued Page Flood control projects, increase in appropriation authorized 77 Restriction on use of funds for projects in excess of authorization 198 Columbia University, N. Y., bicentennial observance 537 Columbium-Tantalum-Bearing O r e s and Concentrates, extension of domestic purchase program 417 Columbus Day, 1952, proclamation cl3 Columbus General Depot, Ohio, rescission of prior construction authorization 457 Columbus University of Washington, D. C, incorporation A27 Commerce, Department of: Alaska and remote localities, furnishing of services, etc., funds available for_ 384 American-made goods for export, instruction with respect to inscription Bl2G Appropriation Act 37G Appropriation for 11, 118, 119,376,422,434 Census, Bureau of the — Appropriation for 376 Censuses of business, manufactures, and agriculture, appropriation for 376 Civil Aeronautics Administration. See separate title. Civil Aeronautics Board. See separate title. Coast and Geodetic Survey. See separate title. Defense production activities, a p p r o priation for 434 Export control, appropriation for 118 Federal Maritime Board. See Maritime activities, this title. Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of— Appropriation for 379, 422 E x p o r t control, appropriation for 422 Reduction in force, funds available for costs 422 General provisions. Appropriation Acts 119, 384, 385 Inland Waterways Corporation. See separate title. International Materials Conference, restriction on use of funds for expenses 385