Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/1001

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[71 Stat. 71]
[71 Stat. 71]




^age ^^^^ Florida—Continued West Palm Beach, conveyance of customhouse and immigration site to_ 283 69 Florida Key Deer, appropriation for leasing and m a n a g e m e n t of lands for protection 264 Folger Shakespeare Library, reimburse255 m e n t for h e a t furnished by Capitol Power P l a n t 253 239 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Federal: Amendment, rexportation of articles._ 567 239 Funds for effecting provisions 214 179, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations: 231 Repeal of provision affecting 362 Federal Trade Commission, appropriation United States contributions, limitation for 229 increase 365 Ferrell's Bridge Reservoir, Tex., local contributions 417 Food and Drug Administration, appropriaFiesta of Five Flags, Pensacola, Fla., contion for 214 current resolution respecting observFoot-and-Mouth Disease, appropriation ance B37 for eradication 330, 339 Fine Arts, Commission of: Foreign Agricultural Service. See under Appropriation for 268 Agriculture, Department of. Enterprise, USS, memorial museum, Foreign Aid. See M u t u a l Security Program. approval of site for 494 Foreign Aid Program, Special Committee Fire Control: To Study the, printing of additional Agriculture, Department of, appropriation for 268 copies of report B36 Interior, Department of, funds availForeign Claims Settlement Commission, able 262,423 appropriation for 52 Fire Department. See under District of Foreign Commerce, Bureau of, appropriaColumbia. tion for 72 Fire Prevention Week: Foreign Currencies: 1956, proclamation c3 M u t u a l Security program, sale of sur1957, proclamation c52 plus agricultural commodities unFirst War Powers Act, 1941, continuation der 361 of contract powers under 628 Purchase— Fish and Wildlife Service. See under State Department, funds available Interior, Department of the. for 56,59 Fisheries Act of 1954, North Pacific, United States Information Agency, Amendment, U. S. regulatory a u t h o r funds available for 67 ity under 310 Surplus agricultural products— Fisheries Commission, International, a p Commodity Credit Corporation, repropriation for United States contriimbursement for costs 339, 556 bution 59, 436 Limitation on payments to value 556 Flag Day, 1957, proclamation c39 Use of foreign currencies for— Flood Control. See under Rivers and Agricultural trade and development- _ 345 Harbors. International Educational Exchange Flood Control Act of 1950, water resources activities 59, 365 of the New England-New York region, M u t u a l security program 355, 603 printing of copies of report authorized Schools and libraries abroad 360 under B 6 Foreign Service: Florida: Automobiles, replacement, cost limitaLeon C o u n t y, conveyance of certain tion 56 lands by Justice Department 616 Emergency expenses in Diplomatic and National Key Deer Refuge, establishConsular Service, appropriation for_ 56 ment 412 Household and personal effects of cerPensacola, observance of Fiesta of Five tain employees, provision for p a y Flags, concurrent resolution rem e n t of transportation and storage specting B37 costs 60 Federal Records Act of 1950, Amendment, transfer of Federal records to National Archives Federal Register. See under National Archives and Records Service. Federal Regulations, Code of, appropriation for printing, binding, and distribution Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council, availability of funds Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, availability of funds Federal Supply Service, appropriation for.