Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1071

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[73 Stat. D101]
[73 Stat. D101]

SUBJECT INDEX Smithsonian Institution—Continued •^*^® National Collection of Fine Arts, appropriation for 106 National Gallery of Art, appropriation for 56, 106 Social Security Act: Amendments— Alaska Omnibus Act 149, 153 Benefits, State and local employees, election of coverage 566 F a r m credit banks, employees, a p plicability to 389 Federal Disability Insurance T r u s t Fund, authorization to acquire obligations a t issue price 622 Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance T r u s t Fund, authorization to acquire obligations a t issue price 622 Unemployment T r u s t Fund, authorization to acquire obligations a t issue price 622 Funds for effecting provisions 340, 341, 352-354 Social Security Administration: Appropriation for 41, 54, 352 Children, dependent, grants to States for aid to, funds for 353 Children's Bureau, appropriation for. 54, 353 Commissioner— Office of the, appropriation for 54, 353 Salary 651 Grants to States for— Advances, next succeeding fiscal year. 352 Blind, appropriation for aid to 353 Dependent children, appropriation for 353 M a t e r n a l and child welfare, a p p r o priation for 41, 353 Old-age assistance, appropriation for_ 353 Physically handicapped, appropriation for aid to 353 Public assistance, appropriation for_ 41, 353 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, B u reau of— Advances to States, funds for 352 Appropriation for 41, 352 Public Assistance, Bureau of, appropriation for 54, 353 Social Security Act. See separate title. White House Conference on Aging, appropriation for 42, 354 White House Conference on Children and Youth, appropriation for 226, 353 Soil Banl{ Act: Amendments— Alaska Omnibus Act 142 F a i r t r e a t m e n t for producers, compensation for 552


Soil Bank Act—Continued ^«« Appropriation for effecting provisions; restrictions 35, 174 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act: Amendment, Alaska Omnibus Act 143 Funds for effecting provisions 171 Soil Conservation Service, appropriation for 51, 169 Soldiers' H o m e, United States, appropriation for 52, 357 Somaliland, immigration quota, proclamation c61 South Carolina: C a t a w b a Indian Tribe, division of assets 592 Clemson Agricultural College, conveyance by United States of mineral interests in certain lands 333 Kings M o u n t a i n National Military Park, b o u n d a r y revision 108 River Basin Study Commission, appropriation for 44, 159, 266, 439 South Dakota: I n t e r s t a t e compact to conserve oil and gas, consent of Congress to extension 290 Standing Rock Sioux Indian Tribe, lands in t r u s t for 454 S o u t h - W e s t Africa, immigration quota, proclamation c61 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 498 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for; restriction 57, 498, 499 Spain: Defense support, appropriation for 717 Immigration quota, proclamation c61 Spanish-American War Orphans, educational benefits 471 Spokane Valley Federal Reclamation P r o j ect, construction, etc 561 Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of, appropriation for 57, 99 Standard s, National Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standard s. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of Indians, N. Dak.-S. Dak.: Lands in t r u s t for 454 Rehabilitation and relocation, appropriation for 45 Starr-Gamargo Bridge Company, Tex., authorization for construction of bridge across the Rio Grande 616 State, Department of: Administrative expenses under m u t u a l security program, appropriation for 718