Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/677

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[84 STAT. 2007]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2007]




PUBLIC LAW 91-667-JAN. 11, 1971



To carry out title IX, sections 402(g), 403(a)(1), 433(a), and, to the extent not otherwise provided, 301 and 311 of the Public Health Ante, p 1297. Service Act, $106,502,000 of which $89,500,000 shall remain available ^^ Stat. 707, 58 until June 30, 1972 for grants pursuant to such title IX. en. C O M M U N I C A B L E DISEASES

42 USC 2 8 2, 2 8 3, 289r 241 24S. ' '

To carry out, to the extent not otherwise provided, sections 301, 311, 315, 317, 325, 328, 353, and 361 to 369 of the Public Health Service Act with respect to the prevention and suppression of communicable 241-1^25^2 ^254a and preventable diseases and the introduction from foreign countries, 263a', 264^272. and the interstate transmission and spread thereof; including care and treatment of quarantine detainees pursuant to section 322(e) of the 58 698. Act in private or other public hospitals when facilities of the Public 42 uStat. 249. se Health Service are not available; insurance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries when required by the law of such countries; licensing of laboratories; and purchase, hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft; $43,938,000. MEDICAL F A C I L I T I E S


To carry out title VI of the Public Health Service Act, and, except as otherwise provided, for administrative and technical services under parts B and C of the Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Act (42 U. S. C 2661-2677), the District of Columbia Medical Facilities Construction Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-457), and the Community Mental Health Centers Act (42 U.S.C. 26812687), $196,521,000, of which $172,200,000 shall be available until June 30, 1973 for grants pursuant to section 601 of the Public Health Service Act for the construction or modernization of medical facilities, and $5,000,000, to be deposited in the fund established under section 626, shall be available without fiscal year limitation for the purposes of that section of the Act: Provided, That there remain available until expended $5,000,000^ for grants and $10,000,000 for loans for nonprofit private facilities pursuant to the District of Columbia Medical Facilities Construction Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-457): Provided further, That the Secretary is authorized to issue commitments for direct loans to public agencies in accordance with section 627 of the Public Health Service Act which shall constitute contractual obligations of the United States, the total of such outstanding commitments not to exceed $30,000,000 at any given time; to sell obligations received pursuant to such commitments as provided in section 627, and the proceeds of any such sale shall be used to make a direct loan pursuant to the outstanding commitment under which the obligations were received.

^"^^' P- 337. ^f^f^' PP- I316, 82'Stat. 631. ^.c. code 32. IntTp. 54.

^"'^' P- ^47.


For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, the Act of August 8, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 7901), and under sections 301, 311, 321, 322, 324, 326, so Stat. 903. 328, 331, 332, 502, and 504 of the Public Health Service Act, section. / ^ use 248. 1010 of the Act of July 1, 1944 (33 U.S.C. 763c), and section 1 of the 254^ 255 256 Act of July 19, 1963 (42 U.S.C. 253a), $79,889,000 of which $1,200,000 219,'222.' shall be available only for payments to the State of Hawaii for care 77 stat! lit' and treatment of persons afflicted with leprosy: Provided, That when the Health Services and Mental Health Administration establishes or operates a health service program for any department or agency, payment for the estimated cost shall be made by way of reimbursement or in advance for deposit to the credit of this appropriation.