Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/480

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 1760 Community injection funds. 15 USC 696.

PUBLIC LAW 95-507—OCT. 24, 1978 SEC. 112. Section 602 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 is amended by adding at the end of paragraph (4) the following new sentence: "Community injection funds may be derived, in whole or in part, from— "(A) State or local governments; "(B) banks or other financial institutions; "(C) foundations or other not-for-profit institutions; or "^D) a small business concern (or its owners, stockholders, or affiliates) receiving assistance through bodies authorized under this title.". TITLE II—AMENDMENTS TO THE ACT




15 USC 631.


Post, p. 1761. • '

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SEC. 201. Section 2 of the Small Business Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(e)(1) with respect to the Administration's business development programs the Congress finds— "(A) that the opportunity for full participation in our free enterprise system by socially and economically disadvantaged persons is essential if we are to obtain social and economic equality for such persons and improve the functioning of our national economy; "(B) that many such persons are socially disadvantaged because of their identification as members of certain groups that have suffered the effects of discriminatory practices or similar invidious circumstances over which they have no control; "(C) that such groups include, but are not limited to, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities; "(D) that it is in the national interest to expeditiously ameliorate the conditions of socially and economically disadvantaged groups; " (E) that such conditions can be improved by providing the maximum practicable opportunity for the development of small business concerns owned by members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups; " (F) that such development can be materially advanced through the procurement by the United States of articles, equipment, supplies, services, materials, and construction work from such concerns; and "(G) that such procurements also benefit the United States by encouraging the expansion of suppliers for such procurements, thereby encouraging competition among such suppliers and promoting economy in such procurements. " (2) It is, therefore, the purpose of section 8(a) to— "(A) foster business ownership by individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged; "(B) promote the competitive viability of such firms by providing such available contract, financial, technical, and management assistance as may be necessary; and "(C) clarify and expand the program for the procurement by the United States of articles, equipment, supplies, services, materials, and construction work from small business concerns