Page:VCH London 1.djvu/563

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RELIGIOUS HOUSES had been made to them by the same king and queen and by Hubert the chamberlain ; "^ the manors of ' Bysholt,' Milkley, and Corneybury, and the church of Layston '^' acquired from Hugh Tricket in Stephen's reign,'** the church being appropriated to them between 1 1 89 and 1 1 99 ; ^*' the advowson of Astwick,"^ given by Richard son of William between 11 62 and 1 170 ;"' lands in Throcking"' in which place and Hodenhoe they held twocarucates in 1227 granted to them by Roger son of Brian and Matilda his wife,"' in Wyddial and Westmill," where they held land at the earlier date ; '*^ the manor of Berks- don,^'^ the gift of Richard de Anesty before 1227 ;'*' thehamlet of Wakeley,'^* and tithes in fiendish "* which were given by Hubert the chamberlain in Stephen's reign ^**; in 1291 the prior received a pension from the church of WyddiaP" and in 1428 one also from that of Westmill * ; in Essex the convent held the manor of Cann Hall or Canon Hall '*' with appurtenances in Wanstead and West Ham, which they possessed before 1207 ;^^*' the church of Walthamstow which, granted by Alice de Toeni'" and confirmed to them by Pope Eugenius III in 1147,'^^ had been appropriated '" The charter by which the queen confirms her husband's grant is given in Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 153. For Hubert's gift of 4 librates of land in ' Brackinges ' see charter 1 1 Hen. Ill, ibid. The prior was hold- ing the manor in 1274. Hund. R. (Rec. Com.), i, 191. '" Lansd. MS. 968, fol. 54. "* Eustace, count of Boulogne, confirmed to the canons the land of ' Cornea ' which Hugh Tricket sold to them. Cart. Antiq. R. N. 8. In 1253 they are said to hold the manor. Cal. of Chart. R. i, 427. For Hugh's grant of the church then called Lefstan- chirche, see Cott. R. xiii, 18 (5), and for both manor and church, Chauncy, Hist, of Herts. 128. '" Newcourt, op. cit. i, 843. "« Lansd. MS. 968, fol. 54. "' He made the grant in the presence of Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury. Cott. R. xiii, 18 (8). '" L. and P. Hen. VIII, xii (2), 1027. '" Charter of Confirmation 1227, Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 153. '» L. and P. Hen. VIII, xii (2), 1027. '" Charter of Confirmation 1227, Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 153. '" Chauncy, op. cit. 1 19. '■■' At this date the grant was confirmed to the prior. Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 153. '■^ Chauncy says this came into the possession of the priory at some time after 6 Ric. I, and the canons held it and the church until the surrender of the house. Op. cit. 120. '" L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiii (l), 1519 (69). "« Lansd. MS. 448, fol. 4. '" Harl. MS. 60, fol. 29 ; Feud. Aids, ii, 465. '" Feud. Aids, ii, 463. '" L. and P. Hen. VIII, vi, 94 ; Morant, Hist, of Essex, i, 3 1 . ° Newcourt, Repert. Eccl. Lond. ii, 639. '" Cott. R. xiii, 18 (15). '" Rymer, Foedera (Rec. Com.), i (l), I J. to them by William de Sainte Mere I'Eglise,"' bishop of London 1191-1222; the churches of Black Notley and Bromfield, the gift of Walter de Mandeville before 1147,'" the former paying a pension of a mark, increased to two by Bishop William de S'=- M6re I'Eglise, the latter church appropriated to the priory in 1292'"; to the priory in 1291 and 1428 were also due pensions from Lambourne,'*^ Stapleford Abbots,'" and West Ham '^* ; land in Leyton given by Simon de Molins and his wife Adelina was one of the earliest grants made to the priory "'^ ; at the Dissolution the priory held in Kent the church of Bexley,'™ which with its tithes had been given to the canons by William Corbeuil, archbishop of Canterbury, between 1 1 23 and 1 1 35, and the appropriation of the church must have been of early date, for a controversy as to the vicar's portion was settled by Archbishop Stephen Langton, 1207-1228'"; in the same county Richard de Lucy had given them in Stephen's reign land in Lesnes,'" to which they after- wards added more,* and the church of Lesnes"* where a vicarage was ordained before 1 2 1 8 ^ ; in the thirteenth century the priory held land in ' Hamstead,' co. Surrey,'" and in the reign of Henry VI a messuage in the parish of St. Peter's, Oxford."* The priory held in 1428 a quarter of a knight's fee in Edmonton,"' where in 1353 it had also had another quarter called Peverel's fee,"° one knight's fee in Alswyk,'*' two half fees in Berksdon,"^ and in Corney a quarter fee '*' and a half,* which latter it had possessed at an early date.'*' 'ss Newcourt, op. cit. ii, 635. '" Rymer, Foedera (Rec. Com.), i (i), 15. '"Cott. R. xiii, 18 (14). '^'Harl. MS. 60, fol. 56,andf^W. Aids, ii, 204. '" Harl. MS. 60, fol. 57 ; Feud Aids, ii, 204. '^Harl. MS. 60, fol. 62 ; Feud. Aids, ii, 194. '*' It was confirmed by Henry I. Cart. Antiq. R. N. 6. See also Charter, 1 1 Hen. Ill, Dugdale, Man. Angl. vi, 153. '" Hasted, Hist, of Kent, i, 166. '" Lansd. MS. 448, fol. 11. '"Ibid. fol. 12. '" Cart. Antiq. R. N. 20. Stephen confirmed the grant. B.M. Chart. L.F.C. xiv, 6. The priory still held land there (parish of Erith) in I 5 1 8. L. and P. Hen. VIII, ii (2), 4654. '" B.M. Chart. L.F.C. xiv, 14, 20, 23, and L.F.C. xxiii, 22, 23. '"Thorpe, Reg. /?# 325. '" B.M. Chart. L.F.C. xiv, 22. '" Add. Chart. 8793 and 9000. "' Cal. Chart. R. and Inq. a.q.d. (Rec. Com.), 378. "» Feud. Aids, iii, 383. '^Mbid. iii, 376. '*' Ibid, ii, 446. '»' Ibid, ii, 446, 453, "' Ibid, ii, 446. "*Ibid. ii, 453. "* Lib. Nig. Scacc. (Hearne), i, 390. 473 60