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RELIGIOUS HOUSES John de Heselarton, appointed 1343,^^' occurs John Stena, or Stone, occurs 1416' 1344"' Thomas de Useflete, appointed 1345,^^' ^1347^30 William occurs de Cusancia, appointed 1349,^ occurs 1354-^^ and 1355^ William de Wykeham, appointed 1360^'* Simon de Northwode, occurs 1363^'* and 1364^3^ William de Mulsho, appointed 1 364,^" occurs 1370 -°3«  Walter Skirlawe, appointed 1377,^ resigned ,383240 John Bacun, appointed 1383**^ Richard Mitford, appointed 1385,^*^ resigned 1389 2«  Roger Walden, appointed 1 390 *** William de Pakyngton, appointed 1390'" William de Assheton, appointed occurs I39i-2'*'and 1396^* Thomas de Langley, appointed 1395 (?)^" Thomas de Stanley, occurs 1399,^*" resigned 1402='" Thomas Tuttebury, appointed 1402 ^^^ Richard Dereham, S.T.P., appointed 1403,^^* occurs 1414^^^ '" Cal. of Pat. 1343-5, pp. 14, 21. "' Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. parcel 2, Cartul. of St. Martin le Grand, dorso. '"' Cal. of Pat. 1 343-5, p. 548. ™ Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. E-K. The oath taken by him to pay a pension from St. Catherine Coleman ; Sharpe, Cal. of Letter Bk. F, 164. '" Cal. of Pat. 1348-50, p. 305. '" Dugdale, Mo». Angl. vi, 1323. "' Sharpe, op. cit. G, 42. "' Newcourt, Repert. Eccl. Lond. i, 427. "^ Ibid. "^ Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. parcel 2, Cartul. of St. Martin le Grand, dorso. "' Newcourt, op. cit. i, 427. "' Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. L. (2), royal confirmation of Ordin. for chantry of John Bande. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 323. "° On an exchange of benefices with John Bacun. Cal. of Pat. 1381-5, p. 281. '" Ibid. 281, 345. "' Ibid. 1385-9, p. 67. '" On his promotion to the see of Chichester. Ibid. 228. '" Ibid. 167. This could not have taken effect, for three months later, when Pakyngton was appointed, the deanery was said to be void by the consecration of Mitford as bishop of Chichester. Ibid. 234. '" Ibid. '" Ibid, 295. '" Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. No. i 3 3 H. '" Lease by him of tenements to Walter Fairford and another, 10 August, 20 Ric. II. Ibid. Lond. B, Box I. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 1 324. The date is difficult to understand, considering the above, ». 248. "» Cal. of Pat. 1 399-1401, p. 5. "' Ibid. 1401-5, p. 185. '" Ibid. p. 185. "' Ibid. p. 207. "* Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. A, Box 3. Indenture about the house called ' Le Piry.' William Kynwolmersh, appointed 1420-1, occurs 1422^*' John Stafford, appointed 1422,^^* occi 1425 2=8 William Alnwick, resigned 1426*^" John Estcourt, appointed 1426,^^' occurs 1427 Thomas Bourchier, appointed 142 /,"•' occurs 1430^" and 1434^'^" Richard Cawdray, appointed 1435,-^^ occurs i443,2«' 1448,288 anj 1455=69 Robert Stillington, appointed 1458,^™ occurs 1464,"' removed 1485 ^'^ James Stanley, appointed 1485,^'^ occurs 1499 A seal of the twelfth or early thirteenth cen- 1390-^ tury,"^ in shape a pointed oval, represents the sainted bishop with nimbus, lifting up the right hand in benediction, and holding in the left a crosier. Legend : — SIG ECC ... ST . LONDONIE ARTINI The seal of Thomas de Useflete, dean in 1347, is attached to Add. Chart. 6,030. It is red in colour, and bears an impression of an ancient oval Christian gem engraved in intaglio : two half-length figures of a man on the left and a woman on the right lifting up their hands in prayer ; between them, overhead, a crosslet. Above the impression of the gem is a half-length representation of the Virgin with the Child. In the base to the left is a bust, a fillet round the "' Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 1324 ; Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. No. 986.

  • "> Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 1324.

»" Cal. of Pat. 1422-9, p. I. "' He was keeper of the king's privy seal. Ibid. 15. "' Lease of church of St. Botolph Aldersgate. Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. B. Box 2 (i). '*" On his promotion to the see of Norwich. Cal. of Pat. 1422-9, p. 348. ^«' Ibid. '^' Newcourt, Repert. Eccl. Lond. i, 428. '"^ Cal. of Pat. 1422-9, p. 452.

  • " Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. No. 13263.

"«* Lease of church of St. Botolph Aldersgate. Ibid. Lond. B. Box 2 (1). ^^ Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 1324. ««' Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. No. 13255. »«' Ibid. No. 13273. '*' Lease of tenements in parish of St. Michael ad Bladum. Ibid. Lond. M. "" Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 1324, "' Pari. R. (Rec. Com.), v, 507^. "' Ibid, vi, 292^. '" Ibid. "* Lease of tenements in parish of St. Michael le Querne. Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. M. '" Chart, of Geoffrey de Boclande. Doc. of D. andC. of Westm. St. Martin le Grand, parcel 2. The seal of the dean shows a draped figure full length. 56s