Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/579

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS Then as now 5 ploughs. And 4 acres of mea- dow. These men are and were under the Saint by commendation and sac and soke and all cus- toms; and they could never give or sell their land without licence of the Abbot ; and (they belong) to (the Saint's) fold. This manor was then worth bit., and now 6/1. In the same (vill were) 7 freemen with i caru- cate and 30 acres of land. Then as now 4 ploughs. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 10 swine. They could give and sell their land. But commendation and soke re- mained in the Saint's possession, and the service, A chi/rch with 28 acres, and the fourth part of a church with 7 acres of land. Then worth ioj., now 13J. It is I league long and 6 furlongs broad. And (pays) in geld 2s. and iod, (At) Elmeswella [Elmswell] Saint Edmund held T.R.E. 2 carucates of land as a manor. Then as now 16 villeins, and 14 bordars. Then and now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then as now 4 ploughs belonging to the men. Then 4 serfs, now 5. And 8 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 80 swine. Now 3 rounceys, 5 beasts, 1 5 swine, 1 8 sheep, and 48 goats. And 5 soke- men with 40 acres of land. And then as now 2 ploughs. And I acre of meadow. These men are entirely under the Saint ; nor could they give or sell without the Abbot's licence. A church with 20 acres of free land in alms. This manor was then worth 5//'., now bit. It is 1 league long, and 10 furlongs broad. It (pays) to a geld I id. Others hold (land) therein. (At) HuDERCLEA [Hinderclay] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 4 carucates of land as a manor. Then 6 villeins, now 8. And then 8 bordars, now 1 2. Then 6 ploughs on the demesne, now 5. Then 10 serfs, now 8. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. And 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine. Now 3 rounceys, 8 beasts, 20 swine, and 60 sheep. And (there were) 7 sokemen with 40 acres of land. Then as now 2 ploughs. A church with 1 acre of free land in alms. This manor was then as now worth 8//. It is i league long, and 6 furlongs broad. And pays in geld 5^^. Others hold (land) there. At RiCHiNGEHALLA [Rickinghall] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 2 carucates of land as a manor. Then 4 villeins, now 2. And then as now 6 bordars. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. And then i plough belonging to the fol. 365. men, now half. A winter mill. Then 4 serfs, now 2. And 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine. And now 2 rounceys, 8 beasts, 16 swine, 24 sheep, and 30 goats. And (there were) 22 sokemen with half a carucate of land. Then as now among them 6 ploughs, and 6 acres of meadow. These men hold under the Saint by commendation and sac and all customs ; and they could not ever give or sell their land without licence. To the (Saint's) fold all (belong). This manor was then worth with its appur- tenances 5/;., now 7//. In the same (vill) were 2 freemen with half a carucate of land. i bordar. Then as now 2 ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 8 swine. These men could give and sell their land. But sac and commendation re- mained in the Saint's possession, and the service. And they were then as now worth 10s. A church with 24 acres of free land in alms. It is I league long, and 3 furlongs broad. And (pays) in geld 1 2d. Others hold (land) there. (At) CuNEGESTUNA [Coney Weston] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 2 carucates as a manor. Then 2 villeins. Now and always 3 bordars. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then as now half a plough belonging to the men. Then as now i serf. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 4 swine. And now i rouncey, 10 beasts, 12 swine, 80 sheep, and 24 goats. And (there were) 12 sokemen with half a caru- cate and 30 acres of land. Then 6 ploughs, now 4. And 2 acres of meadow. A church with 8 acres of free land in alms. This manor was then worth 5//., now bit. It is 1 league long, and 6 furlongs broad. And (pays) in geld ij-^d. In Stoua [Stow] Durand holds of the Abbot 4 carucates of land which 2 freemen held T.R.E. Then as now 8 bordars. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, now 2. And a mill. Wood(land) for 20 swine. And 30 sheep. And 8 acres of meadow. Then it was worth bit., now bit. In the same (vill were) 14 freemen with half a carucate of land. Then as now 4 ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. These men could give and sell their land. So however that the soke and commendation would remain in the Saint's possession and the service. To the (Saint's) fold also all except one (belong). Then as now it was worth bs. and id. A church with 40 acres of free land. This vill is I league long, and 8 furlongs broad. And (pays) in geld lod. Several persons hold (land) there. fol. 365*. In Hepworda [Hepworth] (are) 20 freemen with 2 carucates of land. And they have 3 villeins, and 4 serfs. Then as now 8 ploughs. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 6 swine. A church with 15 acres of free land in alms. These men could all give and sell their land. But by sac and soke and commen- dation and all customs they would remain under the Saint, and (would do) service in Stantuna [Stanton] and Cunegestuna [Coney Weston]. They were then worth 20j., now 40J. Of this 501