Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/124

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A HISTORY OF SURREY swift evolutions being frequently performed so close to the surface that capture without injury to the net becomes a matter of difficulty. As a rule, the Hy dropsy cbidce and Rbyacopbilidcz love still stronger waters, swift-running streams and waterfalls being their special haunts ; while the active and minute Hydroptilidce may frequently be swept in numbers from the herbage round springs or wet ditches in the neigh- bourhood of larger waters. But in the Trichoptera, as in the rest of the Neuroptera, but little has been done in recording. Mr. McLachlan, our chief authority on the group, writing in 1861, says : ' in the old books " London district," " Ripley," " Hertford," " Devonshire," constantly and repeatedly occur as localities solely because these happened to be the hunting-grounds of Stephens, Curtis and Leach, and the rest of the country was then and is now almost unexplored,' and if we add a few localities such as Wey- bridge and Haslemere, worked by Messrs. McLachlan and Barrett ; Kew, by Mr. P. Wormald ; and the Leatherhead, Wisley and Esher districts, worked by Messrs. Briggs and Lucas, these words are nearly as true now as then. The occasional capture of a rarity is perhaps recorded, but not by its captor, while systematic records, especially of the commoner species, are wanting. Of the Phryganeida, Phryganea grandis, Linn., has been recorded from Albury, Ripley, Byfleet Canal and Kingston-on-Thames ; P. striata, Linn., from Byfleet ; P. varia, Fabr., from the Black Pond at Esher ; P. minor, Curt., from Haslemere. Neuronia ruficrus, Scop., occurs about pools and standing waters almost anywhere in May and June. The Liimnophilidce are better represented. Colpotaulius incisus, Curt., has occurred at Merstham ; Grammotaulius atomarius, Fabr., at the Hut Pond Wisley and at Oxshott ; Glyphotcelius pellucidus, Oliv., at Wisley, Kew, Oxshott and Chertsey ; Limnophilus rbombicus, Linn., at Byfleet, Newark Abbey and Leatherhead ; L. JJavicornis, Fabr., at Bookham Common and Byfleet Canal ; L. marmoratus, Curt., at the White Falls Leatherhead, the Hut Pond, Croydon, Kew, Esher Common (November 14) and near Thursley ; L. lunatus, Curt., at the White Falls Leatherhead and the Hut Pond Wisley ; L. griseus, Linn., at the Hut Pond, Esher, Leatherhead and near Ripley ; JL. auricula, Curt., at the Hut Pond and Ripley ; L. vittatus, Fabr., at the Hut Pond, Coombe Wood and Oxshott ; L. centra/is, Curt., at the Hut Pond, Esher, Oxshott, Claygate and Box Hill ; L. ignavus, Hag., at Ripley ; L. hirsutus, Pict., at Bookham Common ; L. bipunctatus, at Horsley ; L. luridus, Curt., at the Hut Pond ; L. sparsus, Curt., at the Hut Pond, Ripley, Esher Common and Coombe Wood ; and L. fuscicornis, Ramb., near Byfleet ; Anabolia nervosa, Curt., at Kingston-on-Thames, Kew and in profusion at Sty- field, an autumnal species ; Stenophylax permistus, McLach., at Leather- head, Albury and Ripley ; S. stellatus, Curt., at the White Falls Leatherhead and at Ripley ; S. vibex, Curt., at Haslemere ; Micropterna sequax, McLach., near Horsley ; M. lateralis, Steph., at Ripley, New Maiden, etc. ; Halesus digitatus, Schr., at Leatherhead and Kingston-on- 82