Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/392

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A HISTORY OF SURREY Edward it was worth 4 pounds ; now 100 shillings. IN WODETON [WOTTON] HUNDRED Oswold himself holds ODETONE [Wotton]. 1 Harold held it in the time of king Edward, but the men of the Hundred say that they do not know how Harold had it. It was then assessed for 6 hides ; now for 5 hides. The land is .* In demesne there is I plough ; and (there are) 20 villeins and 7 bordars with 8 ploughs. There is a mill worth 2O shillings ; and 3 acres of meadow. Wood worth 50 hogs. For the herbage, 23 hogs. In the time of king Edward, and afterwards, it was worth 8 pounds ; now 7 pounds. Of these hides, Richard de Tonebrige holds I hide, 8 and Corbelin of him. Tedric held it of Harold as a manor. It was then assessed for I hide, now for half. There is half a plough ; and 2 villeins, and i serf. It was then worth 20 shillings ; now 10 shillings. IN WbCHINGES [WOKING] HUNDRED Oswold himself holds WISELEI [Wisley]. He himself held it of earl Harold. It was then assessed for 3^ hides; now for i^ hides. The land is for 2 ploughs. In demesne there is i ; and there are 4 villeins and 4 bordars with 2 ploughs. There is a church ; and 2 serfs ; and a mill worth 10 shillings; and 6 acres of meadow ; and a fishery worth 5 pence. Wood worth 6 hogs. . . In the time of king Edward it was worth 40 shillings ; now 60 shillings. IN BRIXISTAN [BRIXTON] HUNDRED Teodric the goldsmith holds of the King CHENINTUNE [Kennington], He himself held it of king Edward. It was then assessed for 5 hides ; now for I hide and 3 virgates. The land is for 2^ ploughs. In demesne there is i plough ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 3 bordars with 2 ploughs. There is i serf ; and 4 acres of meadow. It was, and is, worth 3 pounds. 1 No doubt Wotton, though spelt differ- ently from the Hundred. It is contiguous to the rest of the old estate of Oswold. The hide of Richard de Tonebrige is represented by De Clare land at Wotton in 1314. A blank in the MS. 8 Perhaps the small manor of Gosterwood or Gostwood in Wotton. In 1300 Nicholas Malemeyns, sub-tenant of Gilbert de Clare at Ockley, also held Gostwood, which is adjacent to Ockley. IN WALETON [WALLINGTON] HUNDRED Tezelin the cook holds of the King EDIN- TONE [Addington].* Godric held it of king Edward. It was then assessed for 8 hides; now for I hide. The land is for 4 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 ploughs ; and (there are) 8 villeins and 9 cottars with 2^ ploughs. Wood worth 20 hogs. It is, and was, worth 100 shillings. IN CHINGESTUN [KINGSTON] HUNDRED Ansgot B the interpreter holds of the King CuMBE 6 [Coombe]. Cola held it in the time of king Edward. It was then assessed for 3 hides; now for i^ hides. The land is for 3 ploughs. In demesne there is I ; and (there are) 6 villeins and i bordar with i plough ; and 4 acres of meadow. From the herbage, 4 hogs. It is worth 60 shillings. IN WOCHINGES [WOKING] HUNDRED Chetel the LODESORDE. 7 Edward. It now for half. huntsman holds of the King His father held it of king was then assessed for I hide ; The land is for 2 ploughs. In 328 demesne there is I ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 5 bordars with i plough. There is a mill worth 2 shillings ; and 4 acres of meadow. Wood worth 20 hogs. It is, and was, worth 50 shillings. IN GODELMINGE [GoDALMING] HUNDRED Wulwi the huntsman holds of the King LITELTONE [Littleton]. 8 He himself held it of king Edward. Then (it was assessed for) 2 hides, but they did not pay geld ; now (it is assessed) for i virgate. The land is for I plough. It is there in demesne, with i villein and i cottar with i plough. There are 2 acres of meadow. It is, and was, worth 20 shillings. 4 Peter, son of the mayor of London, held half Addington by service as cook, 12121217. 6 Ansgot was an extensive holder of land as an undertenant at Mitcham and Streatham. An Ansgot had also, T.R.E., held Farncombe. They need not be all the same. 6 See above, 36, b. i., for another part of the same. T Not known in Surrey. Probably Lods- worth in Sussex, there being no definite boundary running through the forest between the counties. In that case, however, the ascription to Woking Hundred is arbitrary. 8 Littleton, near Guildford and Loseley.