Page:Van Loan--Taking the Count.djvu/299

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OLD BIRD" BENNETT was not a prophet, nor in any way related to one ; nevertheless, he was considerably with out honor in his home town. Worse than that, he was out of a job, and there were those who talked of tarring and feathering him and riding him upon a rail.

His was not a case of talent passing unrecog nized. The small matter of a business arrange ment with another gentleman of the gloved le gion leaked out and became common scandal, whereat the outraged public arose and howled like a wolf in the snow. The Old Bird was at once placed upon the black list until such time as the fight fans should forget that he had al lowed "T-bone" Eiley to stay ten rounds and take a bloodless decision over him. When a man bets two to one on his excellent judgment and loses because of prearrangement on the part of his favorite, he is apt to recall the cir cumstances for some time.

"Just my luck!" whined Old Bird, with bit terness. "T-bone has to go and get his nose wet and pull a George Washington on me!"
