Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/368

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334} W 1 N pertory of Arts," &c. j where Iils •pecification is illustrated by two plates. A patent was likewise granted in December, 1/95, to Daniei. Maunsel, Esq. for his invention of a horizontal windmill, upon new principles, for grinding com, and for other purposes : an account of his complex machinery is inserted in the 7th vol. of the work above cited, and elucidated with two en- gravings. WIND-PIPE, or Trachea, is a tube composed of cartilaginous lings, and situated in the fore part of the neck, before the gullet. After descending to the third or fourth joint of the back, it divides itself into two brandies, called Ironchice, which enter the substance of tlxe lungs, and there spread themselves in numberless ramifications, termi- nating in the air-cells, thr.t consti- tute the chief part of the lungs. Towards the posterior part, the rings are fleshy, or ftbrous ; in consequence of which strudure, tlie wind-pipe is enabled to shorten or lengthen itself, as well as to di- late or contraft tlfe diameter of the J)assage, The internal surface is ined with a very sensible mem- brane, which, like the whole tra- chea, is continued from the larynx, being the upper part of the former, below the root of the tongue j and lubricated by means of numerous glands. This membranous form facilitates the descent of food ; and, by its contradion and dilatation, en- ables us to exi>el and admit the air in greater or smajler quantity, and with more or less velocity, as may be required, in speaking or singing. The affeftions to whidi this part is exposed, are but few. Thus, if acrid or corrosive vapours, or ex- iul<nions, b&ve been inspired, de- WIN raulcents, and mucilaginous drinlc^ for instance, oil, milk, or linseed- tea, should be swallowed in copi- ous draughts, and the steam of the same liquids frequently inhaled; or, the throat ought to be diligently gargled with them, in order to sheath the internal surface, and prevent inflammation. For this purpose* a spoonful of the follow- ing mixture should be taken at short intervals; namely, equal parts of sweet-oil, syrup of violets, and honey of roses, properly incorpo- rated. But, if the inhaled vapours have been of a corrosive nature, such as those of arsenic, aqua-fortis, &c. the treatment recommended under the article Arsenic, should be immediately adopted. Sometimes improper substances, such as crumbs of bread, coarse dust, &:c. enter this passage j and, though they may often be expell- ed by a fit of coughing ; yet great precaution is necessary, that such etibrt be not too violent ; because ruptures of blood-vessels, or instant snlfocation, have often been the melancholy consequence. Should, however, the substances fallen into the wind-pipe, be pointed, or of large dimensions, they generally produce fatal efteAs ; unless relief be timely obtained by an operation, which has occasionally proved suc- cessful. — See also vol. ii. p. 414. With respecft to inflammation of the wind-pipe, we refer the reader to vol. iii. p. 464, WINDOW, an aperture left in the walls of lyjuses, with a view to admit the light, and which is gene- rally provided with glass, disposed in sashes. A patent was granted in May, 1/83, to Mr. William Playfair, for his method of making bars for sash-^^indows, of copper, iron, or any