Page:Women of distinction.djvu/336

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Hartshorn Memorial College emphasizes the Christian elements in education. It does this for two reasons: First. It is believed that the Biblical and Christian element renders education better and more complete. It makes better and stronger thinkers, and nobler and more womanly women. This, and this only, can develop character which stands victorious over the world. Secondly. The work of lifting up and blessing the race must be done by consecrated Christians. It will be done by no others. It can be done by no others.

The institution was founded for women onlv, because it is believed that, under the present conditions, separate education is better; that it largely escapes certain difficulties, and has more advantages than disadvantages.

The gifts of Mr. Hartshorn, including a bequest of fifteen thousand dollars, amounted to forty-one thousand dollars. The grounds and buildings are valued at forty-five thousand dollars. The bequest referred to, with the necessary additional contributions, is expected to be used for the erection of another large college building.

The policy of the management is not to multiply numbers, but to select and sift, in order that students may have the better advantages, and that the best results of education may be reached. For this reason, or for some other, the normal graduates have been remarkably successful. They have made reputation for themselves and for their school, and have shown themselves especially devoted to the welfare of their people.

In the industrial department the young women receive