Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/104

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Dramatis Personæ

King, in love with Aglaura.
Thersames, Prince, in love with Aglaura.
Orbella, Queen, at first mistress to Ziriff; in love with Ariaspes.
Ariaspes, brother to the King.

Ziriff, otherwise Zorannes disguised, Captain of the Guard, in love with Orbella; brother to Aglaura.
Iolas, a Lord of the Council, seeming friend to the Prince, but a traitor, in love with Semanthe.
Aglaura, in love with the Prince, but nam'd mistress to the King.

Orsames, a young lord anti-Platonic; friend to the Prince.
Philan, the same.
Semanthe, in love with Ziriff; Platonic.
Orithie, in love with Thersames.
Pasithas, a faithful servant.
Iolina, Aglaura's waiting-woman.


Scœna, Persia.