Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/144

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[Act V., Sc. 1

Made with themselves, must know no motion
Eccentric, may meet as soon as we.
The anger that the foolish sea does show,
When it does brave it out, and roar against60
A stubborn rock that still denies it passage,
Is not so vain and fruitless as my prayers.
Ye mighty powers of love and fate, where is
Your justice here? It is thy part, fond boy,
When thou dost find one wounded heart, to make65
The other so; but, if thy tyranny
Be such, that thou wilt leave one breast to hate;
If we must live, and this survive,
How much more cruel's fate?[Exit


Scene I

Enter Ziriff, Ariaspes, Iolas

Iol. A glorious night!

Ari. Pray heav'n it prove so! Are we not there yet?

Zir. 'Tis about this hollow.[Enter the cave

Ari. How now! what region are we got into?
Th' inheritance of night!5
Are we not mistaken a turning, Ziriff,
And stept into some melancholy devil's territory?
Sure 'tis a part of the first Chaos, that would
Endure no change.

Zir. No matter, sir: 'tis as proper for our purpose,10
As the lobby for the waiting-woman's.
Stay you here: I'll move a little backward;
And so we shall be sure to put him past
Retreat. You know the word, if't be the prince.

[Goes to the mouth of the cave

Enter King

Here, sir, follow me, all's quiet yet.15

King. He's not come, then?

Zir. No.

King. Where's Ariaspes?

Zir. Waiting within.

[He leads him on: steps behind him, gives the false word: they kill the King