Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/222

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[Act V., Sc. 2

Scene II
Enter Prince, Philatel, and Servant

Servant. Since she was refus'd to speak with you, sir, she will
Not look on any; languishes so fast,
Her servants fear she will not live to know
What does become of him.

Philatel. Sir, 'tis high time you visit her.

Prince. I cannot look upon her and deny her.5

Philatel. Nor need you, sir;
All shall appear to her most gracious.
Tell her, the former part o' th' law must pass;
But when it comes t' execute, promise her
That you intend to interpose.10

Prince. And shall then Samorat live?

Philatel. O, nothing less!
The censure pass'd,
His death shall follow without noise. 'Tis but
Not owning of the fact, disgracing for a time
A secretary or so—the thing's not new.15
Put on forgiving looks, sir; we are there.

[The scene changes to Sabrina's chamber

A mourning silence!
Sister Sabrina!———

Sabrina. Hence, hence, thou cruel hunter after life!
Thou art a pain unto my eyes, as great20
As my dear mother had when she did bring
Thee forth; and, sure, that was extreme, since she
Produc'd a monster.

Philatel. Speak to her yourself:
She's so incens'd against me,
She will not welcome happiness, because25
I bring it.

Prince. Fair ornament of grief, why are you troubled?
Can you believe there's anything within
My power which you shall mourn for? if you have
Any fears, impart them; any desires,30
Give them a name, and I will give the rest.
You wrong the greatness of my love to doubt
The goodness of it.

Sabrina. Alas! I do not doubt your love, my lord: