Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/229

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Act V., Sc. 5]

Orsabrin. Doubt not of that.
Bring me where Reginella is, and if
I follow not, perpetual misery follow me!
It cannot be a hell where she appears.[Aside

Tamoren. Be confident!

[He goes out, and returns, bringing Torcular.

Behold, grave lords, the man90
Whose death questioned the life of these,
Found and recover'd by the thieves i' th' woods,
And rescued since by us, to rescue innocence.

Orsabrin. Rare devil!
With what dexterity h'as raised this shape95
Up to delude them!

Prince. Ha! Torcular alive!

Philatel. Torcular!
I should as soon believe my brother ne'er
In being, too!

Torcular. You cannot wonder more to find me here,100
Than I do to find myself.

Nassurat. Come, unbind, unbind! this matter's answered.

2nd Judge. Hold!
They are not free: the law exacts the same
For breach of prison, that it did before.105

Orsabrin. There is no 'scaping out of Fortune's hands.
Dost hear! hast never a trick for this?

Tamoren. Doubt me not; I have without at my command,
Those which never fail'd me;
And it shall cost many a life yet, sir,110
Ere yours be lost.

Enter Prince, Philatel, from above
Stramador, Peridor, Reginella, meet them below

Prince. Stramador,
You have been a stranger here of late.

Stramador. Peruse
This paper, sir: you'll find there was good reason for't.

Prince. How!115
Old Tamoren's brother, captain of the thieves,
That have infested thus our country!
Reginella, too, the heir of that fear'd family!
A happy and a strange discovery!

Tamoren. Peridor and Reginella!120
The villain has betray'd me.