Poems (Sharpless)/The Unspeakable Gift
O, blessed Light of God! thou lead'st us out From the bewildering subtlety of words;That deadly mist that veils our fear and doubt, Where sorrow-stricken men like famished herdsCaught in a briny marsh, stray aimlessly about.Thou Gift unspeakable! Thou Inward Light! Thy consecrating glory can upliftThe feeble spirit to sublimest height; Quick to reprove, to comfort not less swift, Thou surest witness to the Father's love,Thy gentle rays illume the path of Peace:Athwart the gloom where Anguish sits i' the dust,Thy sweet beams hover like a brooding dove,Until she sighs, the while her sobbing cease,I comprehend not, but I love, I trust.