Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry/A Prayer to the Virgin

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Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry
translated by Kuno Meyer
A Prayer to the Virgin
3534172Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry — A Prayer to the VirginKuno Meyer


Gentle Mary, noble maiden, give us help!
Shrine of our Lord's body, casket of the mysteries!

Queen of queens, pure holy maiden,
Pray for us that our wretched transgression be
forgiven for Thy sake.

Merciful one, forgiving one, with the grace of the
Holy Spirit,
Pray with us the true-judging King of the goodly
ambrosial clan.

Branch of Jesse's tree in the beauteous hazel-wood,
Pray for me until I obtain forgiveness of my foul

Mary, splendid diadem, Thou that hast saved our
Glorious noble torch, orchard of Kings!

Brilliant one, transplendent one, with the deed of
pure chastity,
Fair golden illumined ark, holy daughter from

Mother of righteousness, Thou that excellest all
Pray with me Thy first-born to save me on the
day of Doom.

Noble rare star, tree under blossom,
Powerful choice lamp, sun that warmeth every one.

Ladder of the great track by which every saint
Mayst Thou be our safeguard towards the glorious

Fair fragrant seat chosen by the King,
The noble guest who was in Thy womb three times
three months.

Glorious royal porch through which He was incarnated,
The splendid chosen sun, Jesus, Son of the living

For the sake of the fair babe that was conceived in
Thy womb,
For the sake of the holy child that is High-King in
every place,

For the sake of His cross that is higher than any
For the sake of His burial when He was buried in
a stone-tomb,

For the sake of His resurrection when He arose
before every one,
For the sake of the holy household from every
place to Doom,

Be Thou our safeguard in the Kingdom of the good
That we may meet with dear Jesus—that is our