Template:WPF link

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This template is used for reference information and file referrals for WS:WPF entries. The parameters are as follows:

  • To reference a Wikipedia article, use w and the name of the article.
  • To reference a category at Wikimedia Commons, use c and the name of the category (without Category:).
  • To refer to a file, use f and the name of the file (without File: but with the file extension).

This template will not work if none of the above parameters are used.

Only w:
Name (Wikipedia article)
Only c:
Name (Commons category)
Only f:
Name (Video file)
Only w and c:
Name (Wikipedia articleCommons category)
Only w and f:
Name (Wikipedia articleVideo file)
Only c and f:
Name (Commons categoryVideo file)
All parameters:
Name (Wikipedia articleCommons categoryVideo file)
No parameters:
Name Error: This template requires parameters.