The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Other Aesop's/Fable 8

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For other English-language translations of this work, see The Cat and the Mice.
The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Other Aesop's Fables (1484)
translated by William Caxton
Fable 8: The Catte and the Rat

Numbered 79 in the Perry Index. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3926989The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Other Aesop's Fables — Fable 8: The Catte and the RatWilliam Caxton

¶ The eyght fable is of the catte and of the rat

HE whiche is wyse / and that ones hath ben begyled / ought not to truste more hym that hath begyled hym  As reherceth this Fable of a catte whiche wente in to a hows / where as many rats were / the whiche he dyd ete eche one after other /  ¶ And whanne the rats perceyued the grete fyersnes and crudelyte of the catte / held a counceylle to gyder where as they determyned of one comyn wylle / that they shold no more hold them ne come nor goo on the lowe floore . wherfore one of them moost auncyent profered and sayd to al the other suche wordes /  ¶ My bretheren and my frendes / ye knowe wel / that we haue a grete enemye / whiche is a grete persecutour ouer vs alle / to whome we may not resyste / wherfor of nede we must hold our self vpon the hyghe balkes / to thende that he may not take vs / Of the whiche proposycion or wordes the other rats were wel content and apayd / and byleuyd this counceylle / And whanne the kat knewe the counceylle of the rats / he hynge hym self by his two feet behynd at a pynne of yron whiche was slyked at a balke / feynynge hym self to be dede / And whanne one of the rats lokynge dounward sawe the katte beganne to lawhe and sayd to the cat / O my Frend yf I suppoled that thow were dede / I shold goo doune / but wel I knowe the so fals & peruers / that thow mayst wel haue hanged thy self / faynynge to be dede / wherfore I shall not goo doune / And therfore he that hath ben ones begyled by somme other / ought to kepe hym wel fro the same