Wikipedia and Academic Libraries: A Global Project/front matter

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Wikipedia and Academic

Copyright © 2021 by Laurie M. Bridges, Raymond Pun, and Roberto A. Arteaga
Some rights reserved

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, California, 94042, USA.

Published in the United States of America by
Michigan Publishing
Manufactured in the United States of America


ISBN 978-1-60785-670-2 (paper)
ISBN 978-1-60785-671-9 (ebook)
ISBN 978-1-60785-672-6 (open access)

An imprint of Michigan Publishing, Maize Books serves the publishing needs of the University of Michigan community by making high-quality scholarship widely available in print and online. It represents a new model for authors seeking to share their work within and beyond the academy, offering streamlined selection, production, and distribution processes. Maize Books is intended as a complement to more formal modes of publication in a wide range of disciplinary areas.

"Beyond underscoring the core values that Wikipedia and librarians share in relation to the democratization of ideas and the free flow of information through the open movement, this book offers valuable insights into how productive engagement with Wikipedia can act as the catalyst for professional development and workplace learning. The case studies illustrate how academic librarians can proactively build their skills to enhance the discoverability of the library collection, to work in creative ways with digital media, to use information and digital literacy as powerful pedagogical tools and to establish meaningful partnerships with groups within and beyond the university."

Gill Hallam, PhD
Freelance Information Consultant, Brisbane, Australia
Co-Chair, IFLA Section for Continuing Professional
Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL)

"From a forbidden space for students, academics, and librarians, to an open enabler for community collaboration, Wikipedia has ignited a worldwide movement.

"Wikipedia and Academic Libraries is an insightful contribution of libraries’ diverse intersections with Wikimedia-related projects and activities. It outlines some of the most important features that shape our digital lives: collaboration and the need to make visible the infodiversity we produce.

"Stunning, critical, and diverse, Wikipedia and Academic Libraries will empower libraries to lead the open movement. It is a must-read for every information professional."

Jonathan Hernández, PhD
Associated Researcher, Library and Information Institute
at the National Autonomous University of Mexico